What is your new years resolutions for 2010?


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Mar 27, 2005
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What is your new years resolutions for 2010?

Remind: Don't put too much inform about it.

I'm going to try and be nicer. It's been a goal of mine for quite some time but I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut when I should. I suppose the issue is mainly with self-control, something I've been needing to work on for a while now.

Eat better (seriously, I suck xD)

And get my school average into the 90's.

To spend less time on the net?

It's been a real problem for me. I've been spending half my life in front of the lappy screen.

And to devote more time to my photography.

Study harder in Class, work harder on Tennis and eat more vegetables and fruit. Ehh, I'm not gaining weigh. :/

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To be less lazy...

To get straight A's in school......

Also to be nicer to my friends.....

To do my homework.

It's getting annoying doing homework in the morning when all my friends are talking and stuff.

To be more organised. This includes organising my time better, like getting homeworks done first and THEN doing something fun, rather than wasting 3 hours mindlessly browsing the net during the time I was SUPPOSED to be doing my homework.

To study more.

To not be so strict about what I eat and indulge once in a while, but still be healthy.

To be friendlier to everyone and not hold grudges or dislike people before I get to know them.

Get a job and/or go back to school is at the top of my list.

Losing weight would be amazing, but I never manage to do so.

Join a gym so I can work more toward strengthening my back.

Mine is to start doing homework on time. I have a major problem with that. I'm hoping to get it done on then night it's set, if possible.

I also want to stop being so moody. It never ends up good when I go in a mood

Same as Beth, do homework in time. Usually I end up leaving it until the last minute, like during breaktime at school. I want to start doing it when I get home from school so the rest of the week is free from homeworkness. I'd also like to find some way to control my temper. I've lost a few friends, made several enemies out of people I hardly know and hurt quite a few people all because I let my anger build up and up until something pulls the trigger, then...Kaboom. Losing a stone or two would also be quite nice, though I probably won't manage. And maybe I'll try to get a job.

Well, since my main goal since like.... before I was born was to not be rude to everyone in site. Or in the words of Austin: a "Demon Child"

But since it's getting closer to high-school and there's no way I'll make friends with everyone else at school now, I've decided to scratch that idea.

Actually, I think I'll bag the whole resolutions idea altogether. Unless you guys want "less tamatalk", but we all know there's no way that's gonna happen

So there's this boy I've really fallen for. And he's fallen for me too. We're in an almost-relationship right now, and by New Years or shortly after, I hope we're officially together. :]

But that's not exactly a resolution, soo anyway.

I'm pretty satisfied with myself and my life right now, so there isn't a whole lot that I want to change. I guess I just want to improve my guitar/ukulele/vocal skills and get past this wall of self-doubt about it and become less self-conscious. Confidence is where I'm lacking.

And I want to not stress and just enjoy every moment, because I'm probably at one of the best points of my life right now, and I don't want to waste it.

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1. Less procastination. No more reading WHAP chapters in math or study hall. And I will do my math homework even though it's not for a grade. Try and get my math grade a solid 90. Same with English. I will do my English homework.

2. Even if I can't do the musical, I will be involved as much as I can.

3. Eating healthier. And eating less. I eat like a fatty and I don't wanna gain weight. I want to keep it down in the 80s where it is...

4. More work on my piano. It's slipping.

5. I NEED to make it into Theatre Productions in 11th grade, and I'm going to do everything I can to work towards it.

I've never made a resolution before.

But this time, mine is simply to DO THINGS, and try everything. Have adventures and make 2010 awesome. Oh, and spend a very small amount of time a day on the computer while doing so.

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