What is your religeon?


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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
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Minnesota, USA
Im not trying to start a religeous flame war, I was just wondering about the religeons of other tamatalkers.

I and Catholic, but am converting to Wicca. how bout you? Just Curios.

I dont know anymore, I mean I thought I was a christian but seriously, I never talk about god, never think about him and most of the time I doubt wether or not he is real.

So im an athiest I guess you could say, currently im taking a break from Christianity.

I'm totally Christian and nothing else.

It's not my "religion"- it's my relationship.

*Moved to SNTT*

I'm a Christian ut what is Wicca?

God bless U all


Its kinda a bit like coventry, like, paganism? You know what that is? Its like, witch craft, almost, but slightly different.

oh wow um just 4 the record I'm not planning on converting

if I did I'll still go 2 heaven

I'm a Muslim and totally proud of it.

Yes, it's kinda hard sometimes, but I think I have an important relationship with God.

And a lot of people who are terrorists call themselves "Muslims" but they are not because as a Muslim is is haraam (prohibited) to kill a human.

I'm thinking about whether I should start wearing the hijab (Islamic headress for females)...it's a hard decision!

Chatterbox ;)

PS: Very glad u started this topic

PPS: A lot of people think that Allah is different than God, but we just call God "Allah" in Islam. They are the same

wow if U R a Muslim I think U shouldn't wear that thing but I'm 100% Christian so really U wouldn't care 4 my opinion

God Bless U all


Oh, that's not true! I do care about your opinion...a lot actually, because since most of the people where I live are Christian, they're the ones who will have to see me wearing the hijab. Why do you think I shouldn't wear it, I'm just curious :D Don't be afraid to share your opinion.


I look really pretty when I wear it though. If I put my hair in a high bun and then put in on, it looks really royal and pretty you know, especially if I put on a little extra makeup when wearing it. :D

Being a Muslim consists a lot of things (and a LOT of guidelines):

*pray five times a day

*it is haraam to eat pork

*it is haraam to drink alcohol

*it is haraam to have a sexual relationship before marriage

*it is haraam to expose your body too much

And that is just a few!!!!


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I'm sorry if U really R proud of your releigion wear it but if U don't mind being mocked because most people U know R Christian don't wear it

I'm not sure.

I guess you could say Athiest. 0_o Though I believe in reincarnation... so I'm part buddhist. I don't know.

sorry I totally respect your releigion

again sorry

Hmm...it's hard to say. I mean, since I'm Hindu, if you asked for one. But I don't know, because I believe bits and pieces from every religion. But then some things I don't find possible.

Like, I believe in Jesus, but also in all of my Gods, which is a lot, because my religion you believe in multiple Gods.

I guess you could say, yeah, I'm mostly Hindu.

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