What is your sexuality?


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

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Jan 22, 2012
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This is NOT a debate thread!

It is simply for members to state their sexuality by voting from the options given if they wish to. Be sure to follow the seriously non-TamaTalk rules!

Anyway I just decided to make this poll in which you can vote for your personal sexuality.

In my case, I am asexual for the most part but I guess I would be considered straight. I never, ever had a particular attraction to anyone until my current boyfriend. It would be impossible for me to fall in love with anyone in real life, which is why I had to start an online relationship I guess. I do, however, still feel attractions for non-human fictional characters. If I were to ever break up with my current boyfriend, I would probably never fall in love again because I've always been asexual before I met him and after that I wouldn't bother getting interested in anyone else. The reason why I would call myself straight is because the only person I've fallen in love with is my BF, and the fictional characters I feel attraction towards are male.

I do not know much about sexualities besides hetero, homo, and bi, so I allowed multiple choices in case it is possible for a person to be more than one. There is also an "other" option in case there are other sexualities I left out of the poll.

Have a nice day, fellow TamaTalkers. :)

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I consider myself to be straight, although I have had minor crushes on or attractions to women before.

I can appreciate and be interested in the beauty of another woman physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally; but I don't think I'd be able to be intimate with another woman.

So that is why I don't consider myself bisexual. c:

Straight asexual. I can live just fine without a partner, and I usually have more emotional bonds than physical, which... leads to complications a lot. So I've sorta grown used to being alone and just focusing on myself and little hobbies I dapple in. Physical attraction is a rare feeling for me and never seems to last. I guess it's fine, though, since I'm always too busy for a mate anyway.

I guess you could say I'm bisexual, though I've never been with a girl. I'm attracted to both girls and guys, but the only girl I ever felt emotionally attracted to was someone I didn't want to pursue because I value our friendship way too much and was afraid it might ruin it. Now I've been with the same guy for about 2 and a half years and I don't see us ever breaking up so I guess I might not ever have the chance to be with a girl, but I am ok with that because I don't need to when I've got the best boyfriend I could have ever asked for, but in the unlikely event that we do break up I'd probably try and find a girl to be with.

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I'm gender-queer. Gender-queer is when you don't identify as male or female, so its virtually impossible for me to have a sexuality as such >w<. I'm biologically male and I like boys, regardless. So I sort of guess you could refer to me as gay. Please don't though =w=.

P.S- Transexuality isn't really a 'sexuality'. Its when you identify as the opposite gender you were born as. So a male inside a womans body or vice versa. Most Trans* people refer to themselves as whichever sexuality fits the gender they identify as. So if a Trans* person who identified as female was into other girls, she'd call herself a lesbian.

I think I'm asexual. I've never had a desire for sex or physical contact period for that matter. I think that's why I'm happier with long distance relationships. I used to think there was something wrong with me until I found out about asexuality on the internet and that other people feel this way too.
I don't know. i'd probably have to say Asexual. Don't really care about relationships or anything like that.

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Demisexual propably (developing an attraction to someone only when I have a deep connection with them, ie. knowing them for some time). It's annoying as hell. Though I might be just demiromantic because I don't find girls attractive usually but guys yeah, though it's possible for me to fall for a good female friend and I don't even care about their looks then.

Though lately I've realized that I never want to be in relationship because I just don't like the human contact. I find people around me annoying, especially irl friendships- I'm not sad that I don't have many irl friends, and I've never had an irl partner, though I met my girlfriend once and we kissed and I wouldn't mind having a sexual interaction with her either. But contact with other people seems ew to me right now.

P.S- Transexuality isn't really a 'sexuality'. Its when you identify as the opposite gender you were born as. So a male inside a womans body or vice versa. Most Trans* people refer to themselves as whichever sexuality fits the gender they identify as. So if a Trans* person who identified as female was into other girls, she'd call herself a lesbian.
Actually, isn't the "transexuality" term incorrect? Gender and sex are not the same thing. Gender is what you identify as, and sex is what you are born as. The term is transgender. Transexual people are attracted only to trans* people.

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Actually, isn't the "transexuality" term incorrect? Gender and sex are not the same thing. Gender is what you identify as, and sex is what you are born as. The term is transgender. Transexual people are attracted only to trans* people.
Oh yeah owo. Derp >w<. I thought 'transexual' was the medically correct term, but trans* people prefer transgender?

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I can agree with Kitt

I do find myself attracted to women. Yeah, I think they're beautiful/hot/gorgeous, and I would love to stare, but I admire that beauty. Same goes for personality. But I cannot imagine myself in a physical or romantic relationship with one.

So, I consider myself straight for the most part.

I prefer men

Interpret that whichever way you will

I need another few years to think about that.

When I assert anything it ends up changing.

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Whelp with my boyfriend/life partner for about 7years now but I consider myself to go both ways. I can't really imaging myself with a purely lesbian relationship though, so I'm not sure what that means. Though 7 years before I'd probably consider myself asexual. Life is full of change I'll give it that

You can be asexual and have a partner, asexuality just means that you are not sexually attracted to either gender at all, but doesn't mean that you don't feel romantic towards any (romanticity is another thing). It also doesn't mean that you don't want to engage in sexual relations with anyone. You might be just bisexual with male prefference, though. Hope it helped a bit.

Yeah Jhud , for sure. I am just happy in the world we live in today we can at least start to be more honest with our feelings... At least in some parts of the world that is but that's off-topic ^^;

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Oh pff I am totes straight I love men yep women aren't attractive at all

And that is the biggest lie I have ever told

I am genderfluid, panromantic homosexual.

Genderfluid means that the gender you identify as changes at times, and is on a spectrum. For example, today I feel more masculine than feminine. Couple months ago I wanted to wear dresses and feel pretty. Right now...I just wanna wear baggy pants and have my deep voice.

Now here comes the tricky part...Pansexuality/panromance is often explained that you don't care about gender, but that sounds too similar to bisexuality. It's not that you don't care about gender, but it's more of you don't see gender. For example, I may like a guy (though it's a rare occasion), but if I do, I don't mentally acknowledge that they're a guy. I just see a person. Gender isn't involved in the equation. Imagine liking someone who's transgender. Are they a boy or a girl? Doesn't matter if you're pansexual. You don't acknowledge an assigned gender anyways.

Anyways, I am panromantic but only with guys mainly, because I have no sexual attraction to guys but I don't acknowledge their gender, although when it comes to girls I do acknowledge femininity. It's not biromantic and it's half panromantic so I just say panromantic.

And sexual orientation, who I find attractive...pff, lesbihonest guys. I am so gay that my sonogram was in color. Okay that joke is seriously a keeper

So...for information on things like gender identity, sexuality and other relevant terminology and definitions, this video is your buddy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKrzrUE5KMU So like if any of y'all are confused and feel like there's some sort of contradictions to what you feel you identify as, check this out. It sounds like a lot of y'all are looking for the term heteroromantic asexual, meaning you feel romantic attraction to the opposite sex, but no sexual attraction to anyone.

I'm pretty sure I'm Bisexual, I've blushed at boys and girls before and......yeah. -////-

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