What job do you want when you get older?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
I'm 13 And I hope to become one of the following things [specific Order]




I want to become an author because I love to read and write, And I have a great imagination. In 3rd grade I made a story called Olive the cat about a siamese cat that went through adventures <_< and My teacher let me read it to the class, they liked it. It was like 7 pages, I made 3, olive the cat then 2 sequals xD My teacher told me that I should never stop writing if I can make such creative stories

I want to be an actress because I love acting. Some of my teachers in this grade [7] tell me i'm really dramatic when I read, Like I could be an actress. Which really makes me think sometimes

I want to be a singer mostly because I think i'm sorta good at it. I get really scared so I sing very quietly. Last year I tried out for a singing part in the school choir, I sang quietly but the ones around me complimented me, even a few boys did, and that never, I mean NEVER happens :) but i didnt get it though xD

but enough of my ranting :unsure: What do you wanna be when you grow up? and if you are an adult what do you work as now? Did you end up being what YOU wanted to be as a child?

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I want to open a cute little bakery

Or a little store that sells cute stuff :)

Or maybe a candy shop.

I don't know why..I just thought about it one day and decided it's what I want to do.

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I dunno.

I wanted to be a pilot, a robot-making-person, a counselor/musicologist, a web designer, an engineer.. etc.

I think being a geneticist would be awesome but I don't know what they do. I still kind of what to be a counselor but that takes a whole lotta schooling. O:

I'm undecided~

I want to be a movie director.

If not, a writer.

If not, a photographer.

IF NOT, then a make up artist.

If not, a hair stylist.

Or maybe all of them at once :3

anime artist.

or a dog trainer.

or an inventor.

or, well this one I've really been thinking about. a jewelery company called colorgirl. it's with costume jewelery (not dimonds or anything like that, its stuff like colored beads for bracelets and neclaces and stuff)


I would love to become...

an author,

because writing=FTW.

an actress,

because acting is my passion.

or a psychologist.

yeah, you heard me.

and I want to do all of those equally. >:]

I want to be a singer. If not, a photographer. If not, a writer. <3

Definitley a lawyer. :mellow: because they're fancy, rich, wear suits, and I think law and offices are really cool.

Definitley a lawyer. :) because they're fancy, rich, wear suits, and I think law and offices are really cool.
I forgot a Lawyer! I was thinking of that to, mostly because I'm good at presenting my case and convincing people i'm right xD


I've always wanted to be a journalist or a short-story writer.

Or a psychiatrist.

Or a botanist.

Or a prosecutor.

I don't have a particular order, but. . .

• Philosopher

• Proof editor

• Psychologist

• Lawyer

• Photographer

• Artist

• Someone who works with animals, but not a vet. x_x

Photographer. I'm pretty good at photography. I can take good pictures, but they don't show up good because I don't have a good enough camera (it's just a small digital camera I got for $100).

:furawatchi: Comic book artist!!

I already made a graphic novel and working on the second one. I started my own publishing company. Not much luck yet but I'm still a noob at it. So I work in a print shop to pay bills :furawatchi: When we get the new copies in we're gonna sell them to comic book stores and stuff. It should also be up for online orders soon... like the rest of my books are... which you guys can check out if you want... my books are for mature readers though. Just be warned. (link should be in my profile)

I want to be a HPE teacher...

Or a sports scientist...

Or something similar to those B)

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