What kind of friend is this girl?


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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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Well, there is this girl that only comes over in the summer and always wants to go swimming. She is also very rude. And the only place she wants to be is at someone's house beside hers!

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Well, there is this girl that only comes over in the summer and always wants to go swimming. There is a rumer that she kissed a girl. SHE IS A GIRL! EEEW! And the only place she wants to be is at someone's house beside hers! HELP!

I was wondering what type of friend she is and if I should stay her friend.

Sounds like she uses others to get stuff she wants and she's only wanting them for their pools. I suggest you talk with her about it and then get rid of her. I've had friends like that who were only your friends when you let them have stuff. They are toxic and you should get rid of them as soon as possible.

I guess Tigerlily013 said all..

She's defiantly a user, seems like she cares more about the stuff you or the other people own, than them or you.

Ugh, I can't stand people like that. Either you talk to her, or ditch her. Eventually she will learn her lesson. :p

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Yeah. This girl, she definetely needs to work it out.

Is Rudeness really a good quality in your Friendship?

It's either she likes you or she does'nt. And that is her choice.

Try taking her aside, and talking to her about everything about her that you are confused about.

Now you can save this friendship before it's too late, but even if you don't, iit's good to know that she should have learned her lesson.

Real friends are there for you, and respect you, no matter what may happen.

And if she really is a true friend, would'nt she respect that?

I would say not. But think about it. :p

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If she is using you then no. You need to think for a minute instead of posting on the internet. Is that really the friend you would like t have?

LOL! She sounds a lot like my "So called friend."

Only thing is she invites me to her house non-stop and always wants to go swimming. Lol like the girl that bugs you. Not to mention that shes rude and very self-centered. =(

There are a lot of people who don't want to stay at their own houses and would rather be with a friend.

If you don't like her, stop being her friend. Or tell her to knock it off if you're sick of her being rude.

Seems to me like she's using people like Locky said if she only wants to swim she is probably using you if she is being inappropriate or if she is being rude don't hang out with her that's my suggestion anyway that or I would tell her how you feel about the whole being rude and hanging out thing I mean hanging out with someone is cool but if they are being rude or totally obnoxious then I would say the best thing to do there is to avoid them. Has she ever invited you to her house? Or just tell her if you really were a good friend you would stop using me just to swim in my freaking pool.

:blink: ~♥Candy♥~ :angry:

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i think this girl isn't realy a true friend just someone that likes people for there stuff. And she probily to stock up to even realize what she doing no efance but i really don't think shes your friend.

Yeah. This girl, she definetely needs to work it out.Is Rudeness really a good quality in your Friendship?

It's either she likes you or she does'nt. And that is her choice.

Try taking her aside, and talking to her about everything about her that you are confused about.

Now you can save this friendship before it's too late, but even if you don't, iit's good to know that she should have learned her lesson.

Real friends are there for you, and respect you, no matter what may happen.

And if she really is a true friend, would'nt she respect that?

I would say not. But think about it. :blink:
You took the words right out of my mouth, **UrItChI** !

Please have a guide close this topic!


I decided, that I can have her over. But if she asks to go swimming, I will refuse. If she gets mad, I will send her home and say good bye to her.forever possibly.

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