What kind of grades do you get?


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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So, what kind of grades do you get at school?

I usually get Straight A's or A's and B's.

I don't get graded yet. I will in a Month or two, though. Dx I'll probarly get staright Ds.

Although, my behaviour in school is bad. I get in trouble every day, about 5 times.

I don't get graded yet. I will in a Month or two, though. Dx I'll probarly get staright Ds. Although, my behaviour in school is bad. I get in trouble every day, about 5 times.
Not as bad as the one kid in my school... He hgets straigh F... even in Study Hall (its etheir pass or fail) Its 15 and going into 7th....

I usually get A's and b's, common C's.

Some people don't care about their grades or the other people around them. <_<

Do they know they will have to repeat a grade/stay a extra year in school for being careless?

You forgot C's and D's and D's and F's.

I usually get A's and B's. The lowest grade I ever got was two years ago, and it was a C.

Wow. We dont get grades at my school. If we did, I bet id get Bs-Ds

Without doing any work, I got anywhere from a D to an A, I never failed a class. And I also did next to no homework. The two Ds I got were in History (I hate History), College Pre Calc., and College Government. Otherwise it was a C or up. :rolleyes: Normally As for art classes or anything else easy, Bs for everything else and Cs and Ds for classes I didn't care about at all.

If I did work, I would've had straight As, but hey... I graduated. :angry:

I get more B's than A's. The only C's I got were in French, but that was when I didn't care. Before that I got straight A+'s

Meep. I'm not too smart. I get Half and half A's and B's and at least one C.

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I get As with the occasional B.

This girl I know made a THREE in Spanish once. Yes, a THREE. How she managed that I have no idea.

What kind of school doesn't grade you?? That's pretty odd. But you're lucky. Even though I am number 1 in the class and every class since 3rd grade, I still would like it if I wasn't graded.

What kind of school doesn't grade you?? That's pretty odd. But you're lucky. Even though I am number 1 in the class and every class since 3rd grade, I still would like it if I wasn't graded.
Yeah, me too.

What kind of school doesn't grade you?? That's pretty odd. But you're lucky. Even though I am number 1 in the class and every class since 3rd grade, I still would like it if I wasn't graded.
Well, my elementary school didn't grade us. They just gave us numbers, and the numbers said how good a teacher thought you were in a subject. You could get a 1 to a 4. Once my teacher gave me a 3 in math, even though I failed almost every test. That was just to show your parents "Oh, she needs to work on her writing skills." Or "She needs help in geometry." Some middle schools do the same thing, and some schools don't give any types of grades at all.

Half A's half B's. I've never got a C, I'd be grounded forever if I did. My mom is quite tough on grades. :rolleyes:

In Maths I've always got an A and just recently we did a test and I got 100%. In English I tend to get B's and C's, I hate English. In HPE, I get really high marks cause I love it. We haven't really done any tests for Business yet, but I'll probably get B's and C's. In Sose I get A's, even though I don't like it very much. And Science, I do pretty well.

I'm not going to be aloud to go on tamatalk for the school year(or do anything else) until I manage to get good grades. Pretty Harsh, huh?

I usually get A's and B's but sometimes (like right now) I am getting straight A's. That is only cuz the school year just started. XD nearly everybody has an A in my English class but some people (and it's only the 2nd week we have had with like the easiest homework in English) already have F's XDDDDD but not in my 4th period English. The lowest grade in my English is a C. I have an A+ in EVERYTHING so far!!

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