What Kind of Magic Do You Use?


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
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realizing regret
As in words, numbers, etc, to convince people or to weave your threads of talent.

I use words. I'm great with words. Maybe I should write plays. ;3

And I'm great with logic, so debates aren't hard.


What are you talented in when it comes to proving your point?

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Words or photos.

I like using big words, so my thoughts are clear and understandable.

I don't know why I said photos. lol I was thinkin something else.

I'm good at debating, but nothing is better than my singing. : D

cecib :eek:

I'm a figure skater and although i dont always land that jump people are always saying i have a sort of presense on the ice. So i suppose my skating is my magic.

Hm. . .

Words, definitely. I'm very good at speaking to get the point across.

Logic, and common sense, both of which come in handy during a debate.

The unique thing is I have my own sort of psychology =P I can kinda work my way into your head, and manipulate you how I please. That's fun >:3

And uhm.


If worse comes to worse, I kinda plead.

Plead, meaning a more dignified way of saying "Begged like the pathetic little thing I am." :3

I don't know I just appear to have an answer for everything ( especially if it's a smart Alick answer XD )

I'm very logical. I like that I use both halves of my brain so I'm not all too logical with no creativity or all creative fluff and no logic.

story writing. I have good ideas 4 books and if you go on my and pifiifis logs (mines called tamas diary) we hav included our tamas in our diarys. Mines in hers and hers in mine. Pifiifi is my fan so I guess my tama log is like a story. U should see my books when I am old enough to publish them. They are great and magical kids books! I have included many characters in it but I wont say more unless ppl may steal my ideas and publish them before I publish mine and they will pretend its there book. I have made other books too. I havn't finished them but I will try to soon.

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