What kind of person are you?


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People who cut themselves are called Cutters.

I save the labels for cans, thank you very much.

I am Rebecca.

Simple as that.

Anyone who calls themselves emo is just plain poser.


What am I?

I'd have to say I'm not really categorized into any one clique.

I think it's arrogant to try and say that, so I'll clarify:

My school does not have a bullying problem. Although some people can be mean, we're pretty docile. We don't HAVE cliques. There are no preps, jocks, nerds, emos, etc. It's not to say that these people aren't there, we just don't label them. Instead of that guy being a Nerd, he's a nerdy person. (There's a difference.)

It's a bit delicate with the hippies at our school because they kinda.. do things just because it seems like a hippie thing to say. It's rather weird. But still, nobody calls them hippies, just "those hippie people."

So I've never really been IN a clique, since there aren't any to be in. I really don't know what I would be. Just a loser, maybe.

That might change when I go to highschool, but eh, there will always be one of these threads around, I'll say what I've been bullied into then. :]

I'm not in a certain group or clique. I have friends everywhere but generally they are just the average floaters like myself.

In my highschool of course there are groups and cliques and all that jazz but our school is so big with so many people that anyone can really fit it in they try. There is a group of people for everyone to fit into and there aren't really any "clique wars". It's too large to have an issue as far as I see.

Well I am part nerdy part... I beleive they worded it as "class clown." It fits I suppose. I prefer the nerdy comedian. XD

I've been told that I'm a nerd, and I've been told that I'm ugly. So I guess I'm an ugly nerd.
Don't listen to them. You're not an ugly nerd. D: You're awsome. :]

@Crystalized: I agree with the thing about the cans.

@~Rebecca: Almost all of those people ARE posers.

And as for the topic, I don't label myself thank you very much.

Well people think I am a geek

They think I am ugly

They think I am Silly

I only agree with the last one :\

I think I am pretty, but other people might not

I am smart, but that doesnt mean I am a geek. I dont hang out with the most popular people though.

I am silly =D

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I dunno.

This guy called me a nazi in PSE.

I laughed at him.

And I was voted Far Better Looking Than Josh.

Does that count?

(GotchiGirl96 @ March 23, 2008 04:24 pm)I've been told that I'm a nerd, and I've been told that I'm ugly. So I guess I'm an ugly nerd.
Your not ugly or a nerd don't listen to those idiots your special in your own way and that's what counts. =)

Ok back to the topic now ^-^

I'm a total spazatron! XD I'm a tomboy and I admit a little dorky at times lol and I'm hyper and random lol I admit I'm slow too lol I act like a baby sometimes too like when I gotta wake up at 6:00am to go to school >_< haha and I talk alot! xD And you know what's creepy? I see some cartoons and sometimes I see a character that acts just like me o_o lol like gir off of Invader Zim XD or like Chowder of of Chowder cartoon lol! Ok off topic g2g byes. =)

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Ummm, I'm... normal? Tomboy? Annoying?(8D) I dunno. I hang around with, everyone. If I had to pick, SMALL. I'm 4'3 and 11. D: How sad...

I've been told that I'm a nerd, and I've been told that I'm ugly. So I guess I'm an ugly nerd.
Don't listen to them.

People call me fat and ugly. I'm not fat at all, so that really tells you something about the blind idiot that is sharing his names with you.

Sorry. But people like that REALLY pi** me off. :eek:

@ SK: I don't know. These days, people need to be constantly told what they are. :D

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How many label threads do we need? Honestly?This is like the third active one.
Isn't it sad?

Becca: Yeah. Call yourself an emo, prep, skater, scene. Whatever. It screams POSER. It means you're trying to be someone you're not. And why? To fit in? Wow....

Isn't it sad?
Becca: Yeah. Call yourself an emo, prep, skater, scene. Whatever. It screams POSER. It means you're trying to be someone you're not. And why? To fit in? Wow....

I agree, its screams "POSER!"

I don't do labels. I agree with everyone. Most of the time, when you call yourself Skater,emo,prep, or whatever your really a poser. Acting like your some body else.


PS. Your aren't aren't emo if you don't cut yourself..

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