What kind of person are you?


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I'm not necessarily labeling myself I don't really like it when people do that neither I'm just bored and there like no good topics lol and I don't think these topics need to be posted so many times one is enough geesh stick to one sooner or later tamatalk is going to have nothing but these topics I say close this one if another is running already. Well anyway bye people! =)

Isn't it sad?
I think what's sadder is that most of the people saying "Labels are for cans," or whatever are posers.

Your avatar is screams poser.

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I think what's sadder is that most of the people saying "Labels are for cans," or whatever are posers.
Your avatar is screams poser.
Do you even know what a poser is? |:

A poser is someone who claims and tries to be something their not.

They're not claiming to be anything, therefore they aren't posers.

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So what are you??
I'm kinda... Preppy...and emo... LOL!!! NO I DONT CUT MYSELF!!!
Did you know that preppy once meant you had hand-me down clothes? -has teh facts-

xD I guess I'm geek. Self labeled for a reason. Because I qualify, I'm proud of it, and its impossible to be a geek poser without humiliating yourself.

And do you want to know why? 8D

Its a long explanation, and I don't feel like posting it. Feel free to PM for the answer.

Real Geeks

-Are proud of their geekishness

-Usually good with computers and or videogames

-Are usually adults, or teenagers who grew up with real geeks. [Like me. 8D]

-Like Sci-Fi for real

-Know how to RolePlay

-Are successful in their careers

-Are smart

-Look just like anyone else and have the same sense of style as anyone would.

Highschool Hallway Can-Label (or should I say, The Mcdonaldization Interperatation? Note: That had nothing to do with McDonalds. If you read The McDonaldization of America you might understand.)

-Have no sense of style


-Trip alot



-Try to be accepted

Now, tell me which one is the real geek with these characters?

Which one is the media-atized one?

Daniel was a Doctor Who lover. He loved Doctor Who, and everything about it. Actually, almost all Sci-Fi. He was smart. He was the CEO of a big bussiness. He set aside the funny t-shirts that he loved and baggy shorts for a suit and tie on the weekends. He loved computers, too. He knew everything about webcoding, he could hack a GameCube to translate Japanese.

Fred was a zit covered dweeb. He was ignored by the preps. He was short. He wore plaid shorts, and was klutzy.

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I think what's sadder is that most of the people saying "Labels are for cans," or whatever are posers.
Your avatar is screams poser.
And how is that?

I like my avatar, its not like it says "EMO!" on it or anything.


Honstely, Like SK Said a poser it someone who is trying to be someone there not, such as labeling.

(Thanks for the kind words, everyone!)

And I want to know 2 things:

1. How are people who say "labels are for cans" posers? They aren't trying to be somebody they're not. They are just stating something that makes a lot of sense actually.

And 2. How does her avatar supposedly scream "POSER"?


People say I'm nerdy

People say I'm ugly

People say I'm Emo

I don't agree with any of those though, because sure I'm clever but I don't try that hard in school. And with ugly, well I'm no model but I'm no Frankenstine either. And DEFINATLY NOT Emo. Anyway these labels are getting out of hand at my school, it's a primary school (grade school) but already they have the nerd clique, the prep clique, the freak clique (XD) and the leftovers. If I was to label myself I'd be goth. It's not really poser because you can't pose as a goth since it's just appearance

I am me.

And guess what?

You are you.

We were both born an original, and to post something or to think of yourself as limited to a one-word being (such as 'jock', 'prep', 'goth', 'emo', etc.) is an insult to yourself and to what has been given to you.

Judging people will get you nowhere, just make you unnecessary enemies, and I hope that after reading this post, many people will stop and think twice before the next time they go out and call people random names without even talking or getting to know them first.

Anyways, why would you want to talk about cliquey stuff on the internet? An internet is, after all, an escape from all that, because people are more free to be themselves, and nobody can see what color their hair is, or what they are wearing. Most of the time, you can't even see their actions. If you wish to talk about cliques, take a step into a high school, and you can see how horrible the whole idea of labels is.

Yeah, enough with my ranting. Hope I offered some good words of advice to some folks out there. -_- Just remember that only YOU can say how you really feel, and only YOU can dictate the way you act; NOT a random word like 'goth'. Because, after all, that is just a word, without real action or intent behind it most of the time.

Be real. Be you. NOT a copy.

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I am me.
And guess what?

You are you.

We were both born an original, and to post something or to think of yourself as limited to a one-word being (such as 'jock', 'prep', 'goth', 'emo', etc.) is an insult to yourself and to what has been given to you.

Judging people will get you nowhere, just make you unnecessary enemies, and I hope that after reading this post, many people will stop and think twice before the next time they go out and call people random names without even talking or getting to know them first.

Anyways, why would you want to talk about cliquey stuff on the internet? An internet is, after all, an escape from all that, because people are more free to be themselves, and nobody can see what color their hair is, or what they are wearing. Most of the time, you can't even see their actions. If you wish to talk about cliques, take a step into a high school, and you can see how horrible the whole idea of labels is.

Yeah, enough with my ranting. Hope I offered some good words of advice to some folks out there. :) Just remember that only YOU can say how you really feel, and only YOU can dictate the way you act; NOT a random word like 'goth'. Because, after all, that is just a word, without real action or intent behind it most of the time.

Be real. Be you. NOT a copy.
Hmph. I hate how you labels-are-for-cans people forget that some are the original. D: There are many strains of labels, and some people like them.

Labels aren't just for cans, or cliques. ;)

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"Labels aren't just for cans, or cliques. :wub: " Then, might i ask, what are they for? Surely, they are not for people, because people are people.

Labels should not be for people. People ARE people (Yes, I just repeated myself. Please read that line carefully :wub: ). Some people may like them, but that doesn't mean that it's right at all, or that I necessarily agree with it. If you are into stereotypes, that only shows me what type of person you are (and no, I don't mean that as in jock, prep, etc.), and that's fine. If you want to be like that, then go for it. But I'm not saying that I will approve of your decisions or really want to be around you.

As for us people that you have so kindly thought of a stereotypical, general name for (the 'labels-are-for-cans people'.. oh, the irony is rich :wub: ), I have no idea what you mean by the sentence, "I hate how you labels-are-for-cans people forget that some are the original". My one guess would be that you are talking about that we are somehow against originality? If this is the case, I don't have much to say about that. It makes absolutely no logical, moral, sense of why WE are the ones lacking originality. YOU are the one sitting over there telling me that I should tell people that they are only one way, that they belong to a 'cult' of people who live and breathe exactly as they do.

Someone has a great signature here? I don't remember their name, but if they would like to post here to say 'hi', that would be really great and things :D . But what it's general message is, is that we should create color, for the world should never be grey. Their avatar even matches the message :wub: . I ask of you 'judgers' (thought you may like a label as well, since you enjoy them so much -_- ), how exactly is creating words and labels for people creating color in our world? Under each label that you have ever called somebody is a soul, a human being. They are not set to be one way, they are living and breathing and their own. We are all different, nobody on this earth or in this universe is even remotely the same when it really comes down to it. All there is are people, who are all different, and who's only similarity is the natural-born ability to love. What im asking now is that you spread the love, not the hate of different 'stereotypes' as it is. I am a person, you are a person. Do you NEED more words to describe it?

Society has made up stereotypes and has implanted it in people's heads to make them seem 'real'. But as for me and many others who have posted here, WE have seen what 'real' actually is. You could see it too, if you listen calmly and closely and take things in as a first party; forget your past ideas of 'normal', for they probably do not exist.

I have one message: It's time to leave high school.

(and yes, that was a rant. and i am proud of it. :wub: no messages intended to hurt people, of course. If you have a problem, pm me, and i will consider changing it)

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It's time to leave highschool? Honestly I see more things about labels here than I do in my own highschool. x..x;

I think we just make a mountain out of mole hills, IMO, just by discussing it.

To say the least, these discussion irk me.

"Labels aren't just for cans, or cliques. ;) " Then, might i ask, what are they for? Surely, they are not for people, because people are people.
Labels should not be for people. People ARE people (Yes, I just repeated myself. Please read that line carefully :) ). Some people may like them, but that doesn't mean that it's right at all, or that I necessarily agree with it. If you are into stereotypes, that only shows me what type of person you are (and no, I don't mean that as in jock, prep, etc.), and that's fine. If you want to be like that, then go for it. But I'm not saying that I will approve of your decisions or really want to be around you.

As for us people that you have so kindly thought of a stereotypical, general name for (the 'labels-are-for-cans people'.. oh, the irony is rich ;) ), I have no idea what you mean by the sentence, "I hate how you labels-are-for-cans people forget that some are the original". My one guess would be that you are talking about that we are somehow against originality? If this is the case, I don't have much to say about that. It makes absolutely no logical, moral, sense of why WE are the ones lacking originality. YOU are the one sitting over there telling me that I should tell people that they are only one way, that they belong to a 'cult' of people who live and breathe exactly as they do.

Someone has a great signature here? I don't remember their name, but if they would like to post here to say 'hi', that would be really great and things :D . But what it's general message is, is that we should create color, for the world should never be grey. Their avatar even matches the message :) . I ask of you 'judgers' (thought you may like a label as well, since you enjoy them so much :angry: ), how exactly is creating words and labels for people creating color in our world? Under each label that you have ever called somebody is a soul, a human being. They are not set to be one way, they are living and breathing and their own. We are all different, nobody on this earth or in this universe is even remotely the same when it really comes down to it. All there is are people, who are all different, and who's only similarity is the natural-born ability to love. What im asking now is that you spread the love, not the hate of different 'stereotypes' as it is. I am a person, you are a person. Do you NEED more words to describe it?

Society has made up stereotypes and has implanted it in people's heads to make them seem 'real'. But as for me and many others who have posted here, WE have seen what 'real' actually is. You could see it too, if you listen calmly and closely and take things in as a first party; forget your past ideas of 'normal', for they probably do not exist.

I have one message: It's time to leave high school.

(and yes, that was a rant. and i am proud of it. :angry: no messages intended to hurt people, of course. If you have a problem, pm me, and i will consider changing it)
Labels were originally to sort out society properly, but then they sort of were adapted to the Highschool hallway, I guess.

I am not against originality. My point was, all geeks or labeled are different, because theres a different strain for each. Really, you will not find another person like me. Unless you have a psychic twin, you will never find someone identical to you.

Please, before you say I am against originality, actually know me. Labels are for free usage when you feel like you want to, or are proud to be your own strain of that label. For instance, I am a "Geek" as a bare minimum label. Like I said, labels are for free usage. You aren't obligated to do so, and you shouldn't unless you know what you are doing and you have self confidence in yourself.

I said "labels are for cans people" as just the people who believe said phrase. You could say "Christian" was a label, too. NO, I am not accusing you of being a cult or religion. It was just an example.

I haven't entered highschool, anyways. xDD

I label myself as a nerd as a proud original of myself. I am the only me. Call me a hypocrite, but I enjoy labeling myself a geek or nerd, but only as said above.

Did you know that preppy once meant you had hand-me down clothes? -has teh facts-
Actually, it didn't. It mean to you went to a College Prepatory School. People who went to those schools were usually very well off (like a 'prep' usually is today) and because of the school's dress codes, wore clothing like you see a prep wearing.

I agree with TW/P. My school has no problem with labels. There is only one kid who would be able to fit into one of these cliques you guys are talking about and he's an 'emo', and moved here a few months ago (explaining why he's the only one at my school). He isn't even that 'emo' anymore and doesn't hang out with other 'emos' (Well, okay, that might just be because there aren't any others. :angry: )

Anyways, you couldn't really label me. I wouldn't fit into any label. I'm just a normal person.

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Actually, it didn't. It mean to you went to a College Prepatory School. People who went to those schools were usually very well off (like a 'prep' usually is today) and because of the school's dress codes, wore clothing like you see a prep wearing.
Hmm. o_O Thats weird. But, there's probably more than one definition, just as usual with urban slang. :angry:

Actually, it didn't. It mean to you went to a College Prepatory School. People who went to those schools were usually very well off (like a 'prep' usually is today) and because of the school's dress codes, wore clothing like you see a prep wearing.
I agree with TW/P. My school has no problem with labels. There is only one kid who would be able to fit into one of these cliques you guys are talking about and he's an 'emo', and moved here a few months ago (explaining why he's the only one at my school). He isn't even that 'emo' anymore and doesn't hang out with other 'emos' (Well, okay, that might just be because there aren't any others. :angry: )

Anyways, you couldn't really label me. I wouldn't fit into any label. I'm just a normal person.
My mom kept telling me that and I was like well mom, the word evolved. Now it's *insert todays meaning here*.

Ugh, there is something I want to say but I can't put my finger on exactly what it is...

Of course, my school has groups and such but everyone is argueing about how labels are bad and what not but will some give a me a real life example of labeling? I hear all the theoretical stuff but someone give me an REAL example.

Ohyuz, and I'm another normal person too.

Here come the "Labels are for cans" Comments. x.X

Anyway...I'm a little bit of everything! I'm not just one thing.




















And blah, blah, blah. D:


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Of course, my school has groups and such but everyone is argueing about how labels are bad and what not but will some give a me a real life example of labeling? I hear all the theoretical stuff but someone give me an REAL example.
Real life example? Well... Usually labeling at my school involves one circle of friends not wanting to hang out with or talk to someone else because they don't have common interests, they don't dress like they do, or something different about them.

I get labeled the "emo girl" all the time. Even by my friends. Most of the time it's a joke, and other times, people are asking me seriously if I do cut, and that if I am depressed, I should go talk to the counselor.

Point being, I can't have a bad day without people jumping to conclusions, or my own friends making a joke out of it. And this is only because of my look and the music I choose to listen to.

Labels aren't going to stop in my middle school, I'm sure.

Just because of one circle of friends, we have cliques, and that's just... How it's worked. Some of it can be unfair, and it can be aggravating sometimes. But if somebody wanted to stop it all... People would laugh in their faces without a thought. -.-"

^ Hmm funny. Sounds like my middle school. Okay, it's Diva by the way...so don't freak. XD

They call you emo because you like MCR, FOB, etc. Because you shop at Hot Topic? That's crazy. Things are like that at my school. Examples? Got one.

Nicole and I are sitting in art today, talking. She's wearing this new shirt I really like. I go "Where did you get that? Not at Hot Topic, right?" And this one kid hears me and butts in.

His exact words: "You're goth aren't you Nicole? Because you wear black and shop at Hot Topic." He turns to me. "And you're all preppy right? Becuase you shop at Abercrombie and wear polos? Why are you friends?"

You will not believe how much those words got my so worked up..... What does he know about me, anyways? Nothing. Nothing at all, except my name. And here he is, labeling me and my friend based on our looks?

I know, it's kind of idiotic: Me getting worked up over something so little and insignificant. But it just bothers me, when someone calls me anything.

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