What kind of Piercings do you have?


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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2005
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ontario canada.
I am Really Brave when it comes to getting painful piercings, lol!

I have 2 studs going up my ear, my Upper-right Cartilage is pierced, & I have mah belly pierced.

What do you have?


I could probably never take a belly piercing because my belly button is SO sensitive. Right now I just have my ears pierced once, but I want to get another set of ear piercings behind the first ones.

I had my ears pierced 4 times in 1 ear and 3 in the other - I don't wear earings anymore though [They haven't healed properly yet]

Also I have my belly pierced but that was when I was in year 7, I don't remember it hurting they numbed it and I was so nervous I didn't feel a thing :wacko:

I have a friend that has over 9 piercings on each ear, and a nose rings. Not to forget she has jewelry on almost ever appropriate spot like Fingers and etc. I don't have a piercing, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt or be scared of getting one :wacko: .

I have one set of piercings in my ears.

I was really scared, but it was really quick and it only pinched! =]

And if you think that if you get your ears pierced at Wal-mart they'll get infected, think again - I've had mine pierced from wal-mart for alomost a year now and I'm still going strong with no infections! =] Go me! :wacko:

I have two piercings in each ear. They didn't hurt that much.... Just pinch your ear really hard. That's basically the pain that you feel. It's better if you get them both done at the same time. That way it doesn't hurt that much. I didn't get my first piercings done at the same time, but I did the second time. It scared me a lot the first time since I didn't know what to expect, but the second time wasn't as bad.


P.S. Claire's is probably the best. I got both of my piercings there, and no infections yet! It's been almost a year already! =3

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I can't get piercings 'til I'm 13.


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Yay! Piercing topic! ^.^

I have 26 piercings all together.

I have: 10 up both my ears, both of my tragus', my lip, belly button, tongue, and nose.

I love piercings :3

I wanna get the other side of my lip, and the lower part of my belly button done.

Get me some snake bites X3

Have pictures!


Belly button

Left ear

Right ear

Nose and tongue

My guages are different now. They were 8 in that picture, but now they're at 4.

New guages

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