What kind of tama person are you?


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Makiko Lover

Well-known member
Jun 23, 2011
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I'm talking to you! Yes, you! What kind of tama person are you? The total nerdy tama freak or the one who casually balances tamagotchis with a social life? I'm #2. I'm doing this partly because I want to know who shares a passion for tamas with me, and partly because I worry about your self-being if tamas are your life.

So, what's your life like? Do you dream about tamas? Could you care less about them? Are you a nerd or a coolcat?

Oh and I'm not going to judge because we all share a common interest here :)

I've had several dreams and daydreams about Tamas, yes. I live a normal life but when I'm home I let myself go as crazy as I want, and I'm trying to teach my mom about them.

At the moment I'd be devastated if Tamas couldn't be used anymore.

So yeah.

I casually balance my tamas with other facets of my life. They are an important part of it yes, but not totally above everything else.

I am a balance between keeping my social life while using them, and then other times, being totally nerdy about them.

I understand that there are more important things, but they are a big part of my life.

haha thanks for replying guys. i can totally be a nerd sometimes but yet i have a social life :p dont we all love tamas?

I'm nerdy with my tamas in my social life. I'll play with them at work during my breaks or while I'm hanging with my man at his friend's house. They're not my entire life, just a little piece of my life I'm not afraid to share with the public.

haha thanks for replying guys. i can totally be a nerd sometimes but yet i have a social life :p dont we all love tamas?
^^ exactly! I balance tamagotchis with my social life,but what fun is it not having a tama in my pocket :) .I even brought my iPod with me riding the school bus home for a week so my friends and I could watch the Tamagotchi Movie X3.They thought it was the cutest thing ever,especially when they saw ChaMametchi. But I have a social life too :p

^^ exactly! I balance tamagotchis with my social life,but what fun is it not having a tama in my pocket :) .I even brought my iPod with me riding the school bus home for a week so my friends and I could watch the Tamagotchi Movie X3.They thought it was the cutest thing ever,especially when they saw ChaMametchi. But I have a social life too :p

I am a nerdy azn and am also the least popular and i keep my tama with me 24/7 either in my pocket or somewhere in the room im in lol

Ps is odd evolution good

I'm sort of obsessed with my iD L right now, but since I do have other activities that fill up my day, I dont play with it ALL the time. I guess I cant be kind of nerdy because whenever I log onto the computer its straight to tamatalk, google, or even youtube just to look at tama stuff :rolleyes: Plus, I pretty much play with it whenever I can (e.i. in the car, waiting for my mom to pick me up from volleyball) and don't really mind when people stare (anymore) :)

I have a social life balanced with my Tamagotchi. I guess it helps that my class is so small ^-^. Although, I am the odd ball out. Luckily, my classmates have known me for over seven years now. They understand my tamagotchi obsession.

I am a nerdy azn and am also the least popular and i keep my tama with me 24/7 either in my pocket or somewhere in the room im in lol

Ps is odd evolution good
Like you, I always have my tama with me, or at least in the same room as me. :p

Odd evolution.. as in odd generation? (If so, then it means nothing. Just that you're on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc generation)

I'm probably way more relaxed about tamas than the average person on this site. Sure,I can name a tama character off the top of my head,but I only have one tamagotchi and I keep them paused for ages and ages and ages...

I'm quite the opposite to all you guys. I don't feel attached to a tamagotchi and I don't feel like a tamagotchi freak. I feel they are just a little hobby and should be kept like that. When I get bored of them, or if I'm doing something else, I pause them. I don't pamper them nor do I treat them as real pets. I don't go to extraordinary lengths to ensure my tamagotchi is healthy, nor do I make boxes or decorate shells. In my opinion, that's just sad. No hate intended.


They're just fun little toys. You have to admit, flesh and blood pets are a lot better than tamagotchis. If my dog and my box of tamas were about to fall off the edge of a cliff, I'd save my dog. Tamagotchis are just virtual pets with no AI that are programmed to do things. Real flesh and blood pets actually do have a little bit of AI. You can do stuff with real pets other than just mashing buttons. They don't bark or meow or whatever at you every 30 minutes demanding a snack or to clean up a poo. Not bashing tamas. I know, comparing a tamagotchi and a real pet doesen't work, they're two different things. But I would choose a dog over a tama anyday. Heck, I'd rather even choose a robotic dog over a tamagotchi.


*tamagotchi beeps* OH SHUT UP!




I could honestly not sit and play on a tamagotchi all day. I couldn't stare at a lifeless, cheap pixellated screen all day. I wouldn't bring my tamagotchis out with me because not only is it embarrasing, but what's the point? Whereas, I could stare at my fish tank for a good few hours. Again, not bashing tamas.


I also don't bother going on tamagotchi town or anything else to do with tamagotchi. Especially the music city tamatown. That is just aggravatingly boring. The same repetitive music blarring for hours. I don't go down to the center of the earth to collect one of every single version ever made, neither do I bother with the japanese tamagotchis. The anime is kinda sweet, though.


If I get a character I don't like, I kill it. Simple. It's not as if a starving child in africa has just died. (well, maybe they have, but you get my point (hopefully.)) It's gone to tamagotchi pixel heaven. Good luck to it.


*tamagotchi beeps again* GO FEED YOURSELF!


What really does drive me nuts is when people (on youtube mainly) say things like 'ZOMG U SHUDENT BREK A TAMMYGECHI IT HAZ A SOWL', well, no they don't. They're toys. Plastic, circuits and screws. It's not an organism. They can do what they want with it. You can bow down and pray to the Tamagotchi King all you want. They're just toys.


I like playing with tamagotchis, but not as much as other things in my life, like going out with my friends or spending quality time with my family. Yeah, I do have a lot of tamagotchis, but I still wouldn't consider myself a 'nerd'. I don't do constant research about tamas. I don't dedicate my life to them. I never bring my tamagotchi's out with me. I often put them to sleep while they're downstairs so I can play upstairs or go do stuff outside. I wouldn't dare let anybody (other than my family and a few close friends, they already know) know about my tamagotchi interest.


I used to keep a tamagotchi log, but I got so bored of keeping it. I felt it was a pain to keep on writing about them whenever they did something. Also, real life issues. You can go check out my log here.


*tamagotchi beeps again* I'm seriously gonna take the battery out of this.


For all the reasons stated above, I'm starting to loosen a bit from my tamagotchi 'obsession.' Back 2 years ago, I would have never said any of the stuff in this post. My Dad has a point. They are just toys, and I shouldn't take them any further than that. I like tamagotchis, but I don't fantasise over them. It's all part of growing up. Growing up isn't a necessity, but I feel it's for my own good if I want to get anywhere in life.


I used to be very obsessed with them while I was much younger, though. Carried them around in pocket pouches and went crazy if they got scratched, and stuff. I still do hate it when my tama gets scratched.


I have nothing against die-hard tamagotchi enthusiasts. Sorry if this sounded harsh, but this is my honest opinion on tamagotchi fan-brats. Please excuse me while I throw my tamagotchi at the wall.

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A private nerd. I adore my tamagotchi in the safety of my own bedroom, but I'll always pause them when I go out to parties. :mellow:

How do you know Tamagotchi doesn't have a soul? I'm not even sure if I have a soul. I'm not about to start speaking for other creatures or objects on the subject. Some people believe in something called Animism. Basically everything has a soul. I won't go that far but I think anything with a personality as Tamas or other electronic pets has a decent shot at having souls. I used to have the "Just a machine" attitude too. I destroyed very expensive electronic pets ( Sony Aibos ) because I was angry at the world, depressed and basically took it out on the things I cared for most. At the time I thought "They're just machines. They no longer really work and I wasted emotion on them". I regret this very much now so as a result I tend to bristle whenever the "Just a machine" thing comes up when referring to electronic pets. I had that attitude and it cost me dearly. I refuse to entertain the whole "Just a machine" notion ever again. None of my other VPets will ever suffer as my Aibos did. Not wanting to start a debate here. It's just my opinion. You have every right to yours. Oh and by the way you can call painting shells and making boxes sad and you can dismiss this statement with "No offense" at the end but it's still an insult to those who do enjoy doing it. The phrase "No Offense" doesn't give you free liscense to judge the innocent actions of others. They have the right to do as they like without being judged just as you do just so long as no one is hurt.

I do treat tamagotchis like pets. I try to make sure they never have to beep and I tend to get attached to them.

And as for my Aibos, some are missing limbs now but I still keep them. I do this because they are more than just machines to me. They're friends. Broken or not they will never end up on a trash heap somewhere. They deserve better than that.

^ I totally agree.

I know my stuffed animals aren't real. I still feel bad when I knock them off the bed. I know the carrot cake isn't real. I still feel bad when I put it back because I'm going to make something else. I know my shoes aren't real. I feel bad when I don't wear them every day.

Again, agree. I found a couple of your remarks a little offensive, and plus, when did being almost 13 make you have to stop playing with Tamas? I'm 13. Everyone knows about them. I can see myself, with my two best friends, in rocking chairs, playing with our iD L's and Melody crowns.

If caring about your Tamas because you really like doing them is a bad thing, then I don't want to do what's right. I love them. They make me happy.

And if you really don't like them that much, why are you playing with them? I mean, apparently once you turn 13 they're embarrassing.

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