What made you happy today?


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I woke up with stomach cramps, but now I feel better and this makes me very happy. :blink:

Some Fire Emblem charms I ordered a while ago arrived on Saturday, and then today at work the kids' reactions to the new charms were so good and that made me happy

I've gotten rid of almost everything I own and just have a mattress on the floor in the middle of my room and a wardrobe with hardly any clothes. I've honestly never felt so relaxed in my life like
I like giving things too. I'm on a forum for just donating stuff and I feel better when I have less things. I like having my favourites around - my notebook, camera, ukulele, tamagotchi, few sets of clothes and a necklace. Otherwise, I'm not the gathering type. I go for "shopping" with girlfriends and seldom buy anything, just cause I don't feel like it.

On the topic, today was a very warm day despite being December and that made me happy. Also seeing my best friend and eating one good pizza. :p

I ate some custard and even though I got a little tipsy (silly me didn't read the label, it had whiskey in it lol!), it was still quite enjoyable. Overall, 4 stars.

Watching my doggy play with other doggies on the beach - she just had the best time and it made my heart melt ^_^

Also there was a big golden retriever that was having an amazing time digging large holes - and then he stood in the deepest rockpool and just looked at his owners in pure joy :p

Today I got the most beautiful hoodie! :D It came from Superdry Japan (in England XDD) and I love it so much!! My parents were reluctant to get it for me though as it was expensive, but I've got it! XD

Despite a generally stressful week, a lot of stuff made me happy today!

My wife messaged me when I woke up to say hi.

I got a burrito for lunch

An ebay seller who's moving his Mugenbine collection put more stuff up

I watched a monster movie with a really cool monster design

I played a lot of Dragon Quest Builders

I ate some pizza.

It really is a good day. :D

Reading the title to this thread made me feel happy. :)

I’m also enjoying a staycation, so the relaxation is doing a tremendous amount to make me happy.

Played a gig at the most beautiful beach cafe, and the sun came out to provide us with a beautiful sunset! Also some young children singing along to my cover of 'Shut up and Dance' by Walk the Moon ^_^

Playing with my Tama and getting home from school! Also my multitude of pusheen plushies and pillows. What didn’t make me happy today was school. I love being the unliked nerdy girl. :(

i went to dinner with my friends, which made me happy

and then they surprise paid my bill for me :eek: which is great

I got God of War, my wife brought me dinner at work (since I closed up tonight), I'm enjoying some of my new Transformers and Mugenbines, and my v4.5 had a kid.

It's an absolutely stunning day for rowing training - the water is flat calm compared to last night - only 14 days until the World Champs!! :D

Gatorade, bread, lava cake, and my FP. <3

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