What Makes A Woman Beautiful?


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Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
In my entire life time, I've heard so many different meanings for 'feminine beauty'.

From high cheeks bones and lush lips; to patience and tenderness.

It just confuses me, as to what truely makes a girl shine in the eyes of others.

I want to see what you TT'ers think-

Answers from both males and females alike.

Do you beleive its more of her physical features?

Or is it more in her personality?

For me, I beleive in both.

The physical looks attract people first,

And then then her smile and her words make her even more admired.

everything that is outside doesnt matter (a bit), what matters its what is inside, what she feels for you, the love and madness is tied (poem fragment heh) but if she says that she loves you and you look at her eyes, you will see the true love, but now on the new century, its hard to find the true love, lies are very common words now.

thats what makes a woman beautiful.

-me- 23/5/09

IDK how i make words poems, i think i have a poetic gift :puroperatchi:

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Honestly, even when people say looks don't matter, they do. Our world is filled with hypocrites... I admit, to me, looks do matter. That's why words like 'pretty & ugly' exist. But personality does too.

So I say, to be beautiful, you have to be atleast kind of beautiful, well atleast try, and have a good personality, like no one likes someone who is beautiful, but can't think for herself, and is a shallow female-dog.

To be beautiful, obviously, you must be naturally gorgeous.

Being beautiful really has nothing to do with personality. Your personality has no effect on your [ natural ] looks.

But being beautiful and being a pleasant person are completely different things, so..

Beauty has two catagories. Inner and outter.

To make her very appealing she would have both.

But I think personality is much more important than looks. But looks are very important too.

Physical attraction usually comes before personality judgement.

But if she has a crap personality, no amount of outter beauty can make her decent.

Everyone says that the inside is what counts---but that's changed now a days.

You can look around and the girls who cake their face with make-up, have perfect hair--they're the ones that seem more attractive. Media puts emphasis on it too.

Buuut. What I've come to realize is that when you grow up, it kind of flip-flops. In high school, all the guys are attracted to the aforementioned girls. When you get out, and look around at couples---people are different. They're tall, short, underweight, overweight, they wear a ton of makeup, no makeup, some makeup.

Obviously--they all have something on the inside.

At least, I see this where I live.

All I can say is that as a younger generation--our mindset seems to be completely focoused on outer beauty. But personally, I think that you've got to have a bit of both inner and outer beauty.

Basically, in my book, both are absolutely necessary. You need some level of outer beauty, but inner beauty is a very essential quality too.

No one can say looks don't matter. It's natural. Every human judges by looks, because that's all we see most of the time, and it's how we pick out potential partners. It's instinctual.

Inner beauty determines actions. In the end, it doesn't matter how nice you are, it doesn't matter how much you love everyone. All that matters is how you effected everyone else by acting with that in mind.

In way, it doesn't matter what you look like, but it's a great way to influence people most of the time.

I think everyone here pretty much took my point.

If you say that looks don't matter, even the slightest bit, you're a liar. Liarrrrr.

Outer beauty is what people are drawn to when you first meet them. It's that first level of attraction I guess you could say. But the thing is, everyone's taste for outer beauty is different - so if you think someone looks..bad, someone else might think they look gorgeous. Everyone has their own thoughts and feelings about what they're attracted to, so the judgement of beauty is altered.

But in the end, inner beauty is the real deal breaker. If a guy was dating the most beautiful girl in the world, but she was the most horrible person ever, I don't think he would want to stick around for long.

So in the end, someone can be truly beautiful for a mix of personality and looks, but personality just happens to matter more in the end.

I don't believe there is such a thing as a physically "ugly" woman. All facial features are beautiful in their own way.

But I believe that how a woman acts determines her beauty.

Sometimes, beautiful on the outside girls can be so dang ugly on the inside.

[SIZE=7pt]Personality is the only thing that is worth attraction in my opinion...[/SIZE]
You know, sometimes people find things beautiful not because of looks or personality, but because of they things they've done, or what they have.

Or, they find them beautiful because of some quality of being unattainable, or because they are put on a pedestal. Some people find beauty in things they can't have.

I admit, looks are important in what I call beautiful. But everyone views beauty differently. What some might view as a cute button nose might be ugly to the next person.

I think beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, there is no right answer.

A beautiful women is virtuous. For the price of a virtuous woman is far above rubies.

In my entire life time, I've heard so many different meanings for 'feminine beauty'.From high cheeks bones and lush lips; to patience and tenderness.

It just confuses me, as to what truely makes a girl shine in the eyes of others.

I want to see what you TT'ers think-

Answers from both males and females alike.

Do you beleive its more of her physical features?

Or is it more in her personality?

For me, I beleive in both.

The physical looks attract people first,

And then then her smile and her words make her even more admired.
For me, it would be their aura. They'd have to send off a tingling vibe that gives you the shivers everytime you are with them. They need to know themselves that they are beauitful.

And, most definetely, a smile.

Outer beauty is what people are drawn to when you first meet them. It's that first level of attraction I guess you could say.
Here's a little bit of elaboration on that:

It's simply biology happening inside the mind. All of the chemicals and hormones rushing around your body tell your brain who's attractive, and who's not. If your brain see's somebody that thinks you are compatible with, and can create healthy and attractive off spring, it'll tell you to find them (physically) attractive.

It's 'natural selection' taking it's course, you want to find a mate, to create succesful babies that will be attractive to others.

I hope you can understand me. :rolleyes:

If you say that looks don't matter, even the slightest bit, you're a liar. Liarrrrr.
True to an extent. For me, looks will only come into question if you are 400kg's and cannot stop barfing (or any variant).

In all honesty, I'm not often attracted to those are pretty - the 'love hormone' in my body tends to start working when I am around somebody who sends off a nice vibe, an aura and somebody that makes me feel special.

To full understand the concept of beauty I think you first need to know what beautiful actually means.

So I took it upon myself to open up Microsoft Word and pull up the trusty dictionary that's on there.


beau·ti·ful [byootif’l]


1. pleasing to the senses: very pleasing and impressive to listen to, touch, or especially to look at

2. excellent: very good or enjoyable

Ok, so now that we know the definition of beautiful, let's apply it to what we're talking about here. The first definition given says that to be beautiful something must be pleasing to listen to, touch, and especially look at. Ok, so maybe to be beautiful a woman will have a pleasant voice with nice things to say, have soft skin, and a pretty face. Definition two states that to be beautiful something needs to be very good or enjoyable. Ok, so that's a more general statement, but we could still apply it to the situation here. To be beautiful a woman must present a state of excellence. She's enjoyable to be around and look at.

So now, using both of those definitions of beautiful, I've come up with what makes a woman beautiful. It takes more than just looks; it takes more than just personality. I believe that to be beautiful, someone must be pretty and have a nice personality. Looks and personality play an equal part in someone's beauty.

If you mean LOOKS, then I think their eyes should sparkle, they should have plump lips, they should be ANYTHING but all pale, and they should have dainty features and silky smooth pretty hair...

I believe a beautiful woman is someone who is confident and accepts their looks.

They must have a nice attitude as well that won't drive people away. Looks on the outside just draw people in. If the person inside that shell has an ugly attitude and personality, they aren't as attractive anymore.

I think that there aren't any specifications on what good beautiful looks are. Above all, confidence is the most attractive. If somebody is confident and thinks good of themselves, they will glow and it will show through. That is what attracts people to them.

This is somewhat off topic, but I can relate with the confidence thing. Until recently, I did not think I was that attractive. I had self-esteem issues and always thought I was a loner. Recently, I began to accept my looks and be confident with who I am. Surprisingly, that has gotten more attention from other people. :]

Confidence is sexy. ;D

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