What Math are you in?


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I just finished an honors geometry/algebra 2/trig class this year. Next year I'm taking regular calculus.

At the moment we just have maths classes for all math. There are four classes and you are placed in each calss appropriately depending on how good you are at that subject. Set 1 is the highest, set 4 is the lowest. I'm in set 1. The same is for English and Science too.

I'm just finishing Geometry and next year I'll be in Algebra 2, so I'm in the smart class. :)

At the moment we just have maths classes for all math. There are four classes and you are placed in each calss appropriately depending on how good you are at that subject. Set 1 is the highest, set 4 is the lowest. I'm in set 1. The same is for English and Science too.
Same. Except their are like, ten sets.

I'm in set one.

Multipulcation and Division.

I feel so small becuase most of you guys are doing advanced Math. lol

I'm in the accelerated program, so this year I was able to take integrated algebra and next year I'll be taking geometry. Basically, I'm a year ahead of the other eighth graders not in the program when it comes to math and science.

Right now we only have 1 type of math, since I'm in elementary. Next year (high school), I got into this thing called IB math, which is the highest it can get.

But math is probably one of my least favourite subjects, I hate it :(

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Well, elementary school here, it's just one class. Next year, I'm taking 8/9 math though, which is the accelerated program. And then in grade 9, I'll be taking math 10.

Wow. Not until year 13 do we do different maths.

There's MAT111 and MAG111 at this level.

MAG111 is simple, MAT111 is more advanced.

I'm in MAT111.

Advanced normal boring old math.

My school system doesn't have anything special until you get into later high school. xD


I just finished Honors Algebra II (aka the hardest class I have EVER taken). Next year (grade 11/junior year) I'm taking Honors Pre-Calculus.

I'm gonna be a Freshman next year. However, I skipped pre-algebra. so I'm Ahead of everyone. :p

I took Geometry this year (8th grade) and for my freshman year Ill be taking Albegra II

This year I was in academic math.. lawdy lawdy lawdy, that was a fun class.

Next year, I took University leveled math.. What on earth was I thinking?

In grade 12, you can extend the math strands and go into things like data management and such, but I'll be staying in my number free classes when that time comes around.

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