What? No visit to parents?


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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2010
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Panties!! (excusa moi)

Right, so i bribed my little sister with a finger puppet (a cute one too!) to give me her old v.4.5, i had one but i took it to school and lost it (sad, really, i was on 99th gen too! i started looking after it since i was 8! i lost it on my second week of year seven...and it was an old timer - the lady, which was 23 yrs :D )

anyways, so... i bribed her, then she gave it too me... i started it up, named the girl that hatched faye, and then i raised it to a beautiful uramemetchi, then on second gen, i raised it to a uramametchi, i took it to tamatown... and then visited his mum, and then realised that you cant visit the parents on music city. :) that is REALLY SAD ARGHGGHHHHHHHHHGGGHHHHHHHHH iwas so angry aaaaaaaaaaaaerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhghghghghghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

so... tamatalkers, is it true that you cant visit parents on music city?? And i put away the v4.5 (coz it reseted on its own :D ) and gave it back to my little sis. She wrecked it. :D

And now i miss it. if it IS true that you cant visit the parents on music city, can anyone tell me a password from a v4.5 that is on 2nd gen +? i would really appreciate it.

(i'll give you a destiny star or a login code for a dazzilitchi or um... the boy star) ;)

I've never seen any way for your current MusicStar (or Tama-Go) character to visit her parents or grandparents on MusicCity. The most-recent TamaTown that had that feature was the V4 / V4.5 TamaTown.

Music City?! That is the Tamagotchi Music Star TamaTown, not v4.5, The v4.5 Tamatown is Here. You can visit the Parents, you were just visiting the wrong TamaTown, that's all! :)

sorry aa221, i didn't explain properly =[

i meant that can you visit parents on you music star on music city?

(thats much clearer :) )

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