What other think about Tamagotchi...


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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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Hello Tamatalkers! xD

I just had a rather interesting conversation with my friend on MSN a few minutes ago. She had asked me what I had gotten for my birthday. I told her money, slippers, blah blah blah. And at the end I added in a new Tamagotchi. So she says "Oh wow, you still play with those?" So I replied back, "Yeah, you didnt know that?" Then I started thinking that I maybe shouldn't have told her about the tamagotchis, but it was too late. Now keep in mind, she is quite immature, but more than i thought.

She began telling me that she stopped play a long time ago, and anyone at school caught with a tamagotchi would be bullied, then she also said Pokemon and Yu gi oh. Then I believed my so called "friend" was trying to annoy me. I am a fan of those things so I said that tons of the guys at my school play with those all of the time, which they do.(And its actually quite funny. xD) I am a grade higher than her and she points out, "Well my school is really mature." At that point I almost lost it with her, but thankfully I kept my cool and continued on.

I replied back, and I quote myself, "I like it because we can still be like kids. You're never too old. :)" She didnt reply back after that but a little bit later said "And I dont go on club penguin anymore."

Yeah I know, I still play club penguin. It is a kids game, but i've been playing it for about 5 years and it hard for me to quit with all of my cool things. xD

That friend and I used to always talk about it together a few weeks ago, but I guess "suddenly" she quit. So I wrote, "I do." I was extremely angry and about to write back some, not so nice things, when she abruptly stopped the conversation with "Bye" and logged off.

So right then and there I think my friendship with her is over. I honestly dont want to be friends with he if all she does is tell me how all of the things I like suck, and shes really been a troublemaker her whole life. There was one time a long time ago when we were about ten and she was nine, and she told me that she "Didn't want to hang around with me for two weeks because I didnt believe her when she told me something." Yes, that is on my MSN history with her.

So pretty much, I guess some other people think that tamagotchis are babyish toys, and I guess you're now "mature" if you dont play with them? Maturity is definitely NOT to not play with toys, it is when you know how to settle things, you learn right from wrong, being a better person. Someone can be mature if they still play with Tamagotchi's, I bet thousands of people do, some right here on Tamatalk. Playing with tamagotchis at an older age pretty much means that you've still got your "inner child" inside of you, and don't mind having a little pocket pet to carry around. It just bugs me when people think at a certain age you're too "old" for something.

You're never too old for anything.

Edit: Anyone know how to fix the title to What others think about Tamagotchi... I forgot the s. =P

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No one really knows the plural to Tamagotchi. It could just be Tamagotchi or Tamagotchis but its not really a biggy. As for your "friend" I would not worry about her. You two have grown apart and you can see that in the way you guys don't like the same things any more. Thats fine, you out grow friends anyway. Just go out and make more, once that do llike the same things you do. By the way I am 26 soon to be 27, I still play with Tamagotchis and still think they are pretty cool. I wonder what she would think about that? :huh:

She's missing out!

If she's too immature to realize that things things can be even more fun for older people than kids, so be it! It doesn't come between you and your fun! I think that if you're older you'll be able to enjoy tamagotchi even more because you can understand it better than younger kids can, that don't read instructions. Don't worry about your friend. She'll come around. And if you don't want her to, I'm sorry for your loss.


Thanks guys! ^^

Haha, when I was little all of my friends were terrible with their tamagotchi's. They'd just let it die all of the time, then I come in with like a 26th generation tamagotchi. xD

Aha~ See? Younger people just don't care.

The survivors of the fad flash are the true fans.

Aha~ See? Younger people just don't care.

The survivors of the fad flash are the true fans.
exactly, ive been playing with them since 3rd grade and im in 8th, but im starting to revive them, i brought my Tama iD to school, and now my friends are starting to bring them to school again!

I'm scared to bring my Tamagotchi's to school. I don't know how people are going to react. =/

Ive been travelling round the shops with my Tama's round my neck for 2 years or something. And do I care what people think? NEVER! :blink: Your never to old for something you like.

I dont mind in stores, in fact, I hold up my Tama-go for everyone to see while I'm playing it. Sometimes I'll get a few kids to look at what i'm doing, but usually theres no reaction. xD

But in school, you know, some of those kids your just not sure about...

This comes to mind: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

-Theodore Geisel, AKA Dr. Seuss

As you get older, you start to kind of not pay attention or be affected as much regarding what other people think when it comes to how you are as a person. A person naturally migrates toward people who share similar interests and if they don't share the same interests, they'll be people who understand your little quirks and maybe even find them a little endearing. You're never too young to get nostalgic or play with toys. What matters is that you're enjoying life, hopefully along with others who enjoy you (no matter who you are or what you do), and having fun! :)

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