what r u feeling?


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Sorry for caps but I'm really happy! My sis is having a baby soon and when it comes I'm going to be 13... and an aunt!!!!!!! I'm sooo excited! :D
You become a teenager AND an aunt! That's awesome! Congrats!

I'm like about to fall asleep. . .

I swam all day and my back is now bright red D=

Stressed. x_x There is no food in the house my sister is whining and another heap of problems I don't wanna talk about.

I feel expecting to reach 4000 posts.
yay! 4,000 posts is a lot 0.o

I'm happy to go to summer band

Sad because my flute broke. ..

Happy for Tamagotchi_pal ? lol

yay! 4,000 posts is a lot 0.o
I'm happy to go to summer band

Sad because my flute broke.  ..

Happy for Tamagotchi_pal ? lol
I'm depressed and happy. xD

Depressed: YOUR FLUTE BROKE!!! X_X *Dies from going crazy* And...I may not get the Bach 61/2 Mouthpiece for T-bone I need... T.T And Mr.Hanna didn't email me...*DIES from LMH(Lack of Mr. Hanna)* (Hey I died at least 3 times!)

Happy:I may get to try out a few trombones at Russo Music center.I also know when my lessons start. 8)

Nervous:I need to call Music and Arts to see what Trombones they have... But my dad and grandma aren't gonna pay $48 for a trombone for each month..(O.O)

Okay, now I need to stop dying.


I could be worse.

My mood swings even through me off.

This morning I was massivley depressed.

And now I'm nearly happy.


I know, right?

But I have to go swimming later.

I hate swimming.


I *sniffle* am crying if you meet my heart is broken thats me will tell you whats wrong il tell you a girl named sam broke my heart an hour ago so im sad
Oh you poor thing!!! :) :p

I hope you feel better soon.

I am feeling happy and random right now!! :p


Currently I'm feeling confused. Just a lot's been going on with me recently with the past few years or so. I'm only just now having time to just stop and slow down and think about it all. I'm just figuring everything out.

Currently I'm feeling confused. Just a lot's been going on with me recently with the past few years or so. I'm only just now having time to just stop and slow down and think about it all. I'm just figuring everything out.
I know what you mean. Well I don't but.... MOOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

My back is stiff and sore from attempting a flip at the pool today. . .

So, I guess I'm not in a very good mood

I'm quite content. ^-^


After a terribly stressful day I get to sit down at the computer and listen to music... I just wosh my sister was not watching her stupid loud TV. :wacko:

Happy yet sympathetic...

My sister-in-law just left my brother and niece...

and went halfway across the country.

But that means I might get to see them.


Extatic! (sp?)
The boy I've like for 6 years just asked me out. <3
yay. ^.^ I hope the boy who likes me(I like him back. xD) asks me out in 7th grade or in the summer(I think he will keep playing Trumpet :]) .

Sad-I didn't get to practice my trombone nor flute! *Dies* ^_^

Excited: I may get a KING trombone. ^.^

Worried:I might NOT get the trombone...*dies*


6 years? How old are you? Wow =O You must be older than me(Im in 6th, becoming a 7th grader in sept.)

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