what r u looking forward to?


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Well at least you have breaks and you don't have to leave to early :3

I wish my school would do that though, almost everyone in my school commutes. We don't have any dorms except some being built for international students. It takes me an hour and a half to get to school. And well living in NYC is out of the question. Rent is way to much.

When my mom gets out of the hospital...again. Half of last year she was there. I don't want that to happen again. Last time she was in there for almost a month and a half. Pancreatitis. and a boat load of other crap.

Birthday (April :3 )

School ( Kind of )

That's pretty much it ;P

For my tamas to come in the mail

Art class next week

Work on Monday (I hope to make lots of money <3)

Boyfriend getting out of work in 3 hours.

Believe it or not, I learned a lot of great stuff in class this week and I'm looking forward to reviewing it all this weekend. XD I guess that's what happens when you're in the medical field, everything's interesting. :)

A day to Remember, Pierce the Veil, Bring me the Horizon and We came as Romans concert this March :D

Starting/finishing my projects in art class

School dance next weekend

Knowing what SPEC I'm in. I hope I'm in either Woodwork or Art, and I hope my friend is in my group :)

I'm looking forward to meeting new people and enjoying my life as whole - with my new girlfriend, and possibly, moving into a new place in a few months.

Looking forward to the end of this Friday, when I'm done with my exam in one of my classes and have a little break before the weekend starts. Then I have to get back to work. :p

We're writing narratives in English.

I can't wait to start typing it up.

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