What should I do?


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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In a few days, 6 to be pricise (sp?) the whole of grade 8 are going for a day and night at the Capricorn Water Slide. I'm going, because it's going to be fun on the slides and pools. It's just that they are going to have a dance at the end, kind of like a disco. It's going to be partner dancing too, yuk in most cases. But there is a guy I really want to dance with. You can probably tell who by all my topics and posts about him. You don't have to say it, I know I'm obsessed with him. Anyway, back to the topic. I really want to dance with him as I was saying before. It's just... just... I'm scared to ask him. I think he likes me too. He acts funny around me and hardly ever talks to me, but he has been since I played his brother's cricket team and beat them :D !! He kept asking me if my team was going to be in the final and everytime I said yes. His team isn't going to be in the final. Poor Luke! Missing out on all the fame and fortune! Off topic again. Oh well. So how can I go about this? I am just scared and nervous that he doesn't actually like me and he will say go away and "Webby" (his friend) will tease me and tell everyone he likes me.

Well I suppose I could just hang low and wait and see. I've still got 6 days after all. He has been very nice to me lately, ever since he knew I was going! Maybe he's planning to be all nice to me and ask me to dance with him on the night or something. IN YOUR DREAMS JESS.

Please! What should I do. In a way I am excited about it, but I am nervous and afraid. Should I ask to dance with him?


PS. This topic sounds a bit, you know, strange

Just tell him that you like him a lot, and if he goes all strange, quickly add ''As a friend, of course'' and smile. Then, say ''Would you mind if I went to the disco with you? It's just, I haven't got anyone else to go with, and I didn't know if you wanted to go.'' If that fails, and he doesn't want to go, keep smiling! Chin up, it's nothing to worry about. Maybe you just need to devolope (sp?) your friendship a bit more.

I'm very happy today! He did dance with me, but it was one of those rotating dances when you have to move around the cirlce after you do the steps once. I only danced with him for 30 seconds, but they were the best 30 seconds of my life (so far). Thanks Rensa and Tom and Mark! You were a really big help!

You know what I would have done?

I would have just blurted out "Will you come the the dance with me?" and ran away laughing then went home called my friends and had a huge laugh after school. But that's just me.

Anyway, How did it go?

Congrats on That!

And if people do tease you if they know you like him, just shrug and say 'So what?' because teasing is petty and pointless to be honest.

Anywayz thats so cool that you got to dance for him, even for 30 seconds!


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