What should i do?


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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2007
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[SIZE=8pt]Well, this girl named Ashley won't stop texting me and she texted me a cuss word.She won't stop texting me. So I told her a old lady named Ranita bought my cell phone.She said okay. Then I called her and pretended to be Ranita.She got very scared. Then I wrote notes saying stuff like, "Hi this is Ranita". "Call me cause I got a problem". And I gave the notes to my friend Ivey to deliver them and say to Ashley that Ivey got it from a little old bald lady. Then Ashley got a bunch of notes and then showed them to her mom. Then today I called her a few more times and then her mom answered and asked WHO IS THIS? Really meanly and I got scared and told her it was Madison. We stopped the old lady thing cause we got upset, but Ashley's mom called my cell and left a message saying, " Stop pranking my daughter or we will call the police".I got so scared. Then Ivey and I called Ashley over and over and over and tried to tell her she isn't real. Her mom was still mad.REALLY MAD.So she called our home phone and asked for Julia (my mom) and we were alone and my mom and dad and brothers and sister were at Academy so I said that she was busy. Then she said, "Fine"."I'm coming over then".Well, Ivey answered this phone call so Ivey got so scared and she hung up. I asked her what was wrong and she said that Ashley's mom was coming over to our house when we were alone and it was night. We were so scared. We called my mom and bawled and begged her to come home. She did, but it took too long. Ashley's mom came to the door when we were upstairs and we thought it might be my mom so I looked through the window. I saw her mom giving me the BUSTED look. I got so scared that I ran backupstairs and she rang the door bell for 20 mins till my mom got home. I got in alot of trouble for pranking but my mom sent that grouchy old woman home and told her to never do that to her child again. I'm scared to see Ashley at school on Monday.PLEASE HELP!!! :huh: [/SIZE]
Ok, we need to calm down.

Maybe set up a conference with you, your mom, the girl and her mom.

Tell the WHOLE truth.

Mistakes are ok- they're apart of life.

It's what you do with them.

Apologize and learn from your mistakes.

If you need more specific help I'm just a pm away. ;]

[SIZE=8pt]Thank you so much. I am too scared to go near Ashley and her mom. What should I do?[/SIZE]
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Apologize to her- and mean it.

That's all you can do.

If she's still cold around you just ignore it. Don't be disrepsectful but just kinda let it drop.

Time heals all wounds. ;]

i did something like that i told ppl on tt that i was Emily osment i never got 2 say sorry 2 all

da ppl who i pranked sorry ever 1 sorry i mean it *smile*

pm me if u were invold in the form so can say sorry 2 eny 1

1 by 1

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[SIZE=8pt]Please post about the Emily Osment and your sorry topic somewhere else please. Sorry, I just didn't want this topic to get closed. I really need help. Maybe you should PM all of the peoples feelings you hurt. Now, back to the topic.Thank you!!! :angry: [/SIZE]
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