What should I wear?


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2008
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[SIZE=7pt]What should I wear to the Valentines Dance, Im not going with anyone as of now, but if someone asks me to dance, I dont want to look horrendous.[/SIZE]



Well, I should probably have specified earlier...

I don't want to wear anything to fancy, like a dress, because it would look like Im trying too hard.

@ Missbehave: Read ^ Great suggestion though!

Avoid red to avoid looking cliche. Red and pink and white.

Try blues and greens. I never wear reds, pinks, or white on V-Day. I wore jeans, a black shirt, and black star earrings last year. I got the looks and the "OMG! Are you going emo?" but it was cool to be different.

My suggestion. And yeah...jeans, a t-shirt, and some accessories.

Is it formal-semi formal? If you have a local Forever 21, they have some nice, moderate to more formal clothes that won't eat up your pocket book. I love that store- nice, good quality but is not over priced. I'd check there. ;]

well if its a formal dance than its O.K to wear a dress, figure out if others are wearing dresses too. if its not a formal dance, u could wear layerd pink and red T-shirts (like, one long one and then one slightly shorter one) and maybey a big pink and red polk-a-dotted braclett and a jean skirt? idk but i think it would look good :huh: lol

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