What song is stuck in your head?


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Wide Awake-Katy Perry

The "I'm wide awake" part from the beginning. Over. And over. And over again.

Hate to admit it ... "Call Me Maybe?"... Was on the radio when I was driving today. This song NEVER fails to get stuck in my head xD

OMG, just reading the song titles of the songs stuck in your heads make them stuck in my head too! So now everything is stuck in my head! But like 2 days ago or was it last week? Well let's just say the other day, "What am I to you?" by: Finn the human from Adventure Time from the episode "What was missing" got stuck in my head. And now it's stuck in my head again. But I like that song, it doesn't annoy me so it isn't one of those annoying songs stuck in my head. ^_^ :lol: :ichigotchi: :mimitchi:

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