What sould I do?!?


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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
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Ontario Canada
I'm really freaked out I had no clue it would happen all of my tamas are five and they had babys I'm scared that if i don't pay attention to them all the time they will fly away I'm so freaked out can someone help me with taking care of the baby and the adult?!?

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I'm really freaked out I had no clue it would happen all of my tamas are five and they had babys I'm scared that if i don't pay attention to them all the time they will fly away I'm so freaked out can someone help me with taking care of the baby and the adult?!?
the adult will automaticly take care of its baby unless it becomes sick then you must give it meadicean but if it is neglected the adult and baby will die (just one angel though)

i hope this helped;)


When you can't take care of it, put it to sleep (set the time). Don't worry about the baby, the momma takes care of it! If it gets sick, give it medicine, though!


Thanks everyone! That was helpful and they just die if u don't take care so not if u don't keep your eye onit every second thanks!

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