What stereotype would you be?


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
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What stereotype do you fit into?

Now, before people starting yelling and throwing fits,

I'm not saying 'shes emo' 'hes preppy' or anything, but if you had to choose, what would you fit into?

For me, most likely sporty.

I am for sure not emo, scene, goth, ect . . .

I do play soccer, and I was one of the best in gym last year.

I'm "normal". Really, I don't fit into any of the stereotypical stereotypes. O:

I'm more of the quiet scene girl. ;]

I love skinny jeans, and neon colors. :3

And I have the hair. :3

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I fit into multiple catagories. Let's go down the list of what I could be considered, shall we? ;]

Emo - Well, by multiple definitions, I guess I could be considered, "emo." I'm honestly not sure what people view emo as anymore, but I have harmed myself - so that's one way I could be considered "emo." And I guess... I'm partial to black, skinny jeans, and converse.... so... yeah? :|

Punk - Well... I wear black, and I wear skinny jeans, and I wear converse... and I sometimes tease my hair, and I listen to punk music....

Goth - I don't go full out and wear chain pants or whatever, but I guess some could consider me, "goth" - a lot of it probably has to do with who I hang out with.

Preppy - Somewhat. Little now. I own a few things from American Eagle and Aero, sooo...?

Scene - Cute bows are AMAZING. And neon colors. And hair teasing. :]

Rocker - Music is my life. And I play the electric guitar. <3

Sporty - I am part of track and field! :]

Welllll.... I'm not sure on society's definitions on a lot of these sterotypes anymore... but I tried and failed. :|

Well, I look totally and completely scene. With the hair, the eyeliner, the bows, the converse, the skinny jeans, then neon colors.

But I'm a bit more like a prep on the inside. I got the whole "Popular rich kid" thing going on. Of course, I don't act like one, buts that's how they view me. It is getting really, really annoying.

What category would a lovable dumb girl fall into??

I've got to say prep, I guess. That just seems the closest. And sounds pretty cool when you say it..

A mixture between nerd, scene, rocker, prep, normal, and class clown.

I'm more normal though. I dress in what I like and am really friendly, but people say I study a lot. x]

Honestly? I don't know.

Lots of people call my a scene because I tease my hair, wear skinnies, wear thirft store tops, neon converse, and put bows/big clips in my hair.

Also because I wear eyeliner, black eyeshadow, and have "pale/clear" skin.

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Honestly? I don't know.
Lots of people call my a scene because I tease my hair, wear skinnies, wear thirft store tops, neon converse, and put bows/big clips in my hair.

Also because I wear eyeliner, black eyeshadow, and have "pale/clear" skin.
I wouldn't say you were Scene. I mean, I've seen some of your pictures in the Pics topic but...hmm, I don't know where I'm even going with this.

Anyways, you're stunning. You all are. <33

I seriously don't fit into ANY of those labels.

My attitude is between prep and tomboy, and I dress scene without the hair and makeup.

I'm "normal". Really, I don't fit into any of the stereotypical stereotypes. O:
Yeah. Its the same for me too. I don't really fit into any stereotypes.

I wouldn't say you were Scene. I mean, I've seen some of your pictures in the Pics topic but...hmm, I don't know where I'm even going with this.
Anyways, you're stunning. You all are. <33
I don't show pictures of myself when I'm wearing "sceneish" clothes.

Because then I get sterotyped.

Most of the pictures on here are of me AFTER I've taken off most of my makeup, i nmy pajams, or in clothes I don't nessicarily care for.

Then again, I'm not really anything (scene, preppy, tomboy, goth).

I'm an individual. With my own sort of unique style. I use different fashion designs and trends that vary anywhere between vintage and scene, to preppy and punk,

I mix-and-match, I guess.


I like to be silly and have fun.And stuff. :D

I don't know what I am.Dx I also hate dirty sports, and love to hit boys. :D

What am I!? :D

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