What stores can I buy Tamagotchi's (IN REAL LIFE)


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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Hi.. I was wanting to know if there's any stores where I can buy Tamagotch's in REAL LIFE. No online stores.

If you live in America, stores like Target, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and Toys 'R' Us might still carry Tama Gos, if at all. In my experience, toy stores have slowly been phasing out Tamagotchis, putting them on clearance and such. Anything older than TMGOs, your best bet would be Ebay, unfortunately.

Where I live at Target they put Tama-goes on clearance and when they sold out they told me they went selling them anymore.

Look at garage sales. I got a blue V1 at one for.... 25 cents. So they do not really know the price. Good luck finding them. Also, I remember seeing and buying a giant wave 2 lot at Party Packagers.

Also, look in flea markets and antique shops. ;) Very frequently, people bring them in with loads of other "junk" items and you can get them for reeeally cheap. :)

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