What subjects did you take?


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I had to take all the basic subjects [math, science, math, english, history, etc] and I took them all in academic.

For my fun classes [electives] I took photography, communications tech., and I did take drama, but the class was full so I had to take music instead.

What subjects did I take in school?

This past year I took Honors English, Honors History, Honors Biology, Honors Geometry, Girl's Chorus, Japanese I, Web Publishing, and Child Development I.

This upcoming year I'm taking Honors English, Honors World Cutlures, Honors Chemistry, Honors Algebra II, Mixed Ensemble, Japanese II, and Photography & Graphic Arts.


This coming year I'm taking:

○ Regular World History

○ Enriched English

○ PreAP PreCal

○ PreAP Physics

My electives are:

○ Chinese 3

○ Web Design 2

○ Orchestra

It was a really tough decision to make this year, but I'm pretty happy with what I picked for my options;

Music [<333]

Art [<33]

French [<3]

History [<3]

(The next lot are compulsory at our school)

Plus a half GCSE in;



A full GCSE in;

English Language,

English Literature





You're British, right?

I don't think they have GCSEs in America.

Currently, I have no choice in the subjects I take. That changes in Year 10, I think. [ That's ninth grade. ]

My main subjects are english, maths, science, social studies, PE [i'll explain below] and I think that's all lol.

And my electives areeeeeee.

Music, art and drama. I picked the three arts subjects lol. It's good, cuz when we put in our forms to do those classes, Katie, Rachel, Lucie and I all got in early and got put into at least one class together with was good :)

About PE, it was also an elective, but I didn't choose to do it, so I do theory two days a week, and run around at breaks and stuff, and I still participate in cross country and stuff, so yeah :)

Well. Compulsary subjects are



Socail studies and socail science.



My option subjects I chose were.


Environmental science.

Economics. ~ But I wanted to do media studies but that was full so I had to do economics.

Some of my classes actually Rotate every 9 weeks. So That's why I have more than usual. I can't choose my Subjects either. Only Band.

7th Grade (Just ended)

Science, Gym, Family and Consumer Sciences, Music, English, Geography, Algebra I (In an 8th grade class), Jr High band, Sr High Band

In 8th grade, I'll be taking

Early American History, English, Geometry (On a 9-10th grade level), Science, Art, Spanish, French, Gym, Health, Art, other's I can't think of now XD

Last Year I took: English 1 CP, Physical Science, World Geography, PE, Algebra 1, Health, and Art.

The Next Upcoming Year: Introduction to Animation & Gaming, Biology, Desktop & Publishing, American Studies, English 2, Algebra 1.

I'm in an Aussie year 9 so I'm doing my year 9 and 10 certificate so this year I am doing:

English level 1

Science level 1

Math level 2

R.E (I go to a Catholic school)




Fashion Design/Textiles

Well, this year I had Honors Science, SFL, Art 7, Technology, Home Ec, Intro to Italian, Gym, Orchestra, Honors English, Honors Math, Honors Social Studies, and lunch, of course. x3

We have a weird Day 1 Day 2 schedule, so yeah. SFL is Strategies for Learning. O:

Next year I'll have the honors classes, Italian, and all those electives... Art, Gym, Tech, and such.

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Next year:

English Honors

Language Arts

West Virginia Studies Honors

C.A.T.S 3


P.E. and Art for first semester.
CATS? Is that the computer business course?? I took that in 6th grade! It was great. :DD

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Last year I took English, Honors freshman math (mostly Geometry with Algebra I+ Algebra II), World History (really only up to the twelfth century, though), Biology, French 2, Public Speaking, and a computer class.

This coming year I am taking:

-Honors Sophomore English,

-Honors Sophomore math (Algebra II/Trigonometry/Finish the Geometry book for the first two months/PreCalc),

-Chemistry (my math grades weren't good enough for honors, even though I love science and did well in bio D: Plus that would have been a fourth honors class, which I would have to petition for on the academic counsel, which would have been a lot of work),

-AP World History (Twelfth century through present, then a review of what I learned last year for the AP exam),

-French 3,

-Photography (I am so excited for this! It's actual film photography and we get to develop the film and I've heard the class is great)

-Musical Theatre (Pretty much the only performing arts class that I can take. I need the credit. I'm not excited.)

But overall, my classes for this year I think are going to be really fun. I can't wait! :D And yes, the honors math program is set up very oddly at my school. They try to get us to learn so much in so little time just because they want us to be in AP Calc BC when we are a senior. Which I will not do, seeing as I'm going to drop math after Calculus.

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In my school, these are the compulsory subjects:

- Maths

- English (you have a choice of English and Language or English and Media)

- Science (double or triple award - 2 or 3 GCSEs. If you take triple then it uses one of your free slots.)

- R.E. and I.T. (These are 1/2 a GCSE each).

- D.T. ( we are a Technology College. There are loads of different D.T.s you can take.)

We also have PSHE and P.E. but we don't have official exams in them.

For my three free slots, I want to take all of these. In order of preference:

- History

- R.E.

- French

- German

- Geography

The combinations vary, because there are a few careers in languages and not a lot in R.E.. I am good at languages so I want to take them. Also, we can't take all three Humanities subjects (History, R.E. and Geography), so I think I won't be able to take Geography because I love the other two. History, R.E. and one language sounds nice at the minute... but which language??


You HAVE to take all classes. All classes except Phys Ed, Music, and French are tought in the same room by the same teacher:



Phys Ed

Language Arts




Social Studies.

E.C. classes are:







Track and Feild

Cross Country.

My school's different than the average school. It's weird....

i had french, spanish, PE, health, home and carrers, social studies, science, reading, language arts, and math this year. O_O

i live in america, thats why.

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