what tamagotchi do you recommend?


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2014
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i have 30 dollars and its burning a hole in my pocket. i'd like to treat myself to a tama as i have not gotten one since May.

i have: a v3, an id, and thats it. i only have 2 working ones.

thank you!

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Well, you may get an Tamagotchi Friends at the moment but if you can get a used iD L and P's for about 30 dollar include shipping. New P's and iD L is just over budget for you :(

I'd always recommend the Version 4 to anyone asking help. I love the Version 4 so much even though i don't have one anymore. It has the perfect balance of simplicity and complexity. It has the perfect amount of features that won't overwhelm someone. It introduces the families as well as the job system which are heaps of fun. The games are great as well as the characters. Since you have an iD, which is pretty complex for some, and a Version 3, which is pretty simple and fun, I guess you'd enjoy the Version 4 a lot.

Though I haven't owned a Version 4.5 yet, I recommend them as well as they don't differ much from the Version 4 except for the fact that they have different characters and games.

All Tamagotchi versions are fun though. You can rarely make a mistake in choosing what version to get. It only depends on your taste. Hope you find the Tamagotchi you want!

yay how exciting pighat! i agree with all of the aforementioned versions! you can also find ebay deals of used lots with about three (sometimes more) tamas for that amount. happy hunting!

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update! i have gotten 13 more dollars for baby-sitting and now i have $43!!!!

update 2: i spent 5 bucks and i have 38

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Thoguh some people recomend the V4, that's presonally my least favourite version of all the ones I've had, I just found it boring, and some of the sprites look weird to me :eek:

If you don't wanna go around searching for good deals on ebay or FB groups you can just go and buy a TF's in stores if you think you'll like that version.

If I had to recomend one of the conexions I would say the V5 or V6, they are the most fun to me (the Tama-Go is really fun too but you'd need the figures to enjoy it the most)

the V4.5 also looks much better than the V4, but I have never had one so I wouldn't really know, and getting one is really hard, so if you have a chance maybe go with that one xD

Thoguh some people recomend the V4, that's presonally my least favourite version of all the ones I've had, I just found it boring, and some of the sprites look weird to me :eek:

If you don't wanna go around searching for good deals on ebay or FB groups you can just go and buy a TF's in stores if you think you'll like that version.

If I had to recomend one of the conexions I would say the V5 or V6, they are the most fun to me (the Tama-Go is really fun too but you'd need the figures to enjoy it the most)

the V4.5 also looks much better than the V4, but I have never had one so I wouldn't really know, and getting one is really hard, so if you have a chance maybe goF with that one xD
FB(FaceBook) groups including: Tamagotchi Collectors, Tama-Hatchi, Tamagotchis Traders, etc.

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