What time does your school/work start?


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School start's at 8:45, although we're allowed to be a few minutes late.

On W and F I take the 6:26am train for my 8:15 class. And on Thursdays I take the 7:46 train for my 9:40 class.

And work starts at 7:30am so I have to leave by 7ish.

Edit: OH and W&F i get out at 10:50am and T I get out at 12:20. Usually home by 12:30 or 1:30

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School starts at 9:00.

I wake up at 7:00. I get together my lunch and school things.

At 8:00 I eat breakfast.

At 8:25 I brush my teeth.

I leave at 8:40.

It takes a 5-10 minute walk.

School ends at 3:00pm.

EDIT: Yes, it is the same every single day. Bland, no?

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It starts at 8:30.

I wake up at like 7:30.

I get dressed in like 5 minutes.

Eat breakfast while brushing hair.

Then I brush my teeth and get my coat and boots on.

Then I catch the "early" bus so I have a longer time to listen to my ipod.

But on warm days, I walk to school, so I usually get up at 7:45.

For every day except wednesday, we start at 8:30, but if we arrive after 8:45, we're late. On wednesdays, we start at 9:00, but we're late if we arrive after 9:15.

Normally I'll get dressed, have breakfast, make my lunch and sort out other stuff, and brush my teeth and hair, and I normally walk with my friend.

We finish at 3:00, but out teacher always keeps us in.

School starts at 8.45 and goes to 3.15.

Work starts at 4.30 and goes to 8 or 9 depending on the day.

I'm looking for a new job though.

I can't believe everyone's school starts so late! Mine starts at 8:00, ends at 3.

I get up at 6 or 6:30 every morning to get ready.

I can't believe everyone's school starts so late! Mine starts at 8:00, ends at 3.

I get up at 6 or 6:30 every morning to get ready.
lol Mine doesn't start late o.o It's about the same time as yours. Though I have to get up at 5:30 o.e

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I work when I feel like it. I'm a self-employed portrait artist.

My first class starts at 7:30am, but I'm usually at school by 7am.

I have a job coming for me at a local convience store in the spring, and the hours will vary.

School starts at 8:30, but on Wednesdays and Fridays I have band at 7:15. It ends at 2:50, but on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have music theatre until 5:00. =( So Monday is the only day that I have a normal school day.

In the morning, first bell goes at 8:15, but class starts at 8:20, and ends at 2:48. Yes, 2:48. I have no idea why it's not an even multiple of 5... It kind of bothers me.

Your guys schools start late! Lucky Ducks! (;

I get up at 6am to get ready. My school starts at 7:30. I live 15 minutes away so I have to get up early. BOO. Haha. School ends at 2:32. :)

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