What traits do you envy?


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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2006
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imaginary land
What traits would you like to have? Someone who you look up to has a trait that you want?

This isn't a "just wondering" topic.. in case you were.. wondering..

I know you. But I only know you from what I see, and what I make of you from what I see. I don't know you coming from YOU. And right now, that's what I want.

Be honest, Cyril is watching you <3

I envy people who are able to be nice. I'm hardly ever nice, except to the people I consider friends. I also envy people who are a normal size and normal weight. I'm a normal size but I wish I was 99 pounds instead of just looking like it, like my friends say I do. D:

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I envy the Trait of Perfect hands (My left thumb is wider then anything!) And the trait of eating as much as you can and still being skinny (Yet I can stuff myself with a whole steak, and Snow crab and barely gain 1 pound)

i envy people's thumbs! my thumb's are retarded...they are short and fat and point in the opposite direction of the hand! I am also able too eat a lot though and stay skinny...

I envy people who are social and are open to new things. I am afraid of the future and I wish I wasn't.

I envy people's humor, I have no humor and no one ever talks to me anymore.

I also envy people quick thinking with comebacks and jokes.

And people's organizational skills.

I envy the trait of being average size. I'm too dang tall for my age. :lol: (BTW, I'm 12 and 6'2", to top that off, I'm a girl!)


I really envy self-confidence.... I doubt everything too much, I guess you could say. :blink:

I also envy people with good social skills... I'm lucky to have the friends I've got now. But atleast they like me for who I am.

Otherwise (and this isn't exactly a trait that I envy), I envy people who's parents allow them to have kitties. Because I want a kitty. A particular kitty. :D

I envy confidence. I hate being that "shy girl" or whatever. I wish I had straight hair too...

I envy people who aren't scared of heights. I climb a foot off the ground and I'm too scared to go any further.

meowbark, that would be pretty hard. Wh not PM me with a video from YouTube and I'm A OK. (No, I'm serious.)

LOL. I also envy people with nicer faces than me. (I have pretty much a unibrow. >X()

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