WHat type of phone do you have/want


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Well-known member
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
NSW, Australia
I have a pink nokia. (Even though i dont really like pink, it was a present, so i couldnt help it much, but i still love) You can put a link to a pic of it if u like... I'm happy with this one coz I got it yesterday B)

this is what mine looks like:


I have a motorola W375 pink. Got it for Christmas after begging for a battery for my old phone. Optus prepaid ROX!! lol.
Hello, Moto!

That's the same phone as I have. :]

We have such good taste. xD

I have a Black Chocolate, but its getting old...I am upgrading it into a Silver EnV..So i can text with the keyboard.

I want either the En V or te Juke. Ilike the En V, though. Especially the green one. It fits te name so perfectly. (Green with En V... lol ;) )

Or some Juke color. I dunno. I get an En V or the Jue n March, so... yeah... that's my phone deal.


Right now I have a pretty basic silver flip top from Telus. It's nothing really special, but it's served me well. :(

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