What Type of School?


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I'm homeschooled.

Sometimes it's boring because I don't have anywhere to go, but I don't think I would like school, since I don't like classes, and I went to this thing once that was like a wannabe school, which sucked. Oh, and there would be even dumb people than I already know. :p

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[SIZE=14pt]i go to a private high school[/SIZE]


its pretty sweet


well as good as school can get


nearly out tho :lol:


one month to goooooo :ph34r:

Public middle / high.

I despise it. Good district...allegedly. <<; I don't believe that bullcrap, we're in the dumbest state in the country, we are thus not a good district. I want to go back to my beautiful prep school where I actually feel like I'm learning and making decisions for myself and the students don't get violent with each other all the time...I miss my friends...T_T And drama class, oh how I miss thee...

I really want to be home schooled. It won't cost as much to get a tutor as the prep school, which is why I left, and I'll probably be done with highschool in a year... (I'm 14 now).

/end whining

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Junior High School.Our school is like 80 years old, and they refuse to build on to it, so they have like, 15 trailers .-.

Our football team is filled with 6th graders "OMG I CAN PLAY FOOTBALL WE ARE RULES"

Our volleyball team sucks overall

Our track team of okay

Our wrestling team is okay (Because they're all fat and crush each other)

And our principal has a stuffed monkey that he talks to.
XDDDD. Seriously?!

I go to a public middle school. It's not all that bad except that it's like 4 years old, and they don't wanna build on it too soon, so we don't have enough lockers for everyone, so most people have to share (luckily I have my own top locker :3). The food is....okay. Most of the time there's atleast SOMETHING edible. Our football team is #1 so far compared to the other 5 schools we compete against. Volleyball is okay I think. And our principal is all crazy about winning every game. If we don't he'll lecture us all over the morning intercom.

My school's pretty cool...

My school is a private international school.

The only good thing about it is that the food is actually good.

I used to go to a catholic school-all girls. but now I go to a public co-ed. I wanna go back. Are princleable hates our grade and its just US. shes hated us in the sencond grade to 5th. And trust me- right now, the 4th grder are sooo anoyying pushing and shoving to get to class first. UGGGG I hate our princeable. and she made us chage our logo from a roaring cogar to a boy and a girl (eye lashes and a bow ?!) that look like weird bears.

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