what up with u guys man?


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1.you could ACTUALLY try and make your questions make SENSE! or make it elligable!

2.patiance...people arent gonna answer straight away!

3.dont be such a drama queen just cus no one is answering


to see the posts you've made before click on the profile button above your avvie (in your case the winnie the pooh pic) and click on "find all posts by this member"

DUDE!!! that IS how you spell sence!!! don't go telling people off just because you don't know how to spell!!!!

BTW: I replied!

Look, come off it! Can we all speak nicer?!

I just wanted to say, to avoid double posting only click the Add Reply button once even if it's taking a while otherwise you'll get a double post.

Since this thread is veering off topic and heading towards senseless flaming, I think it is time to close it.

Poohbear06740 didn't understand how to use one of the TamaTalk features to check their previous posts for replies - and now they do :D

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