What version is your favourite?


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The V1. I haven't got one, and I have ordered one, but I have tried it for a week. The experience was.... Hmm....... AMAZING, FLAWLESS, UNBEATABLE!!!!

v5 and famitama are the same thing

oh well i voted famitama instead of v5

I have to go with the V4. I the V4.5 is just more of the same, so even though it has everything the V4 has, it's not as good in my book. I like to focus on one Tamagotchi at a time, and the whole website interaction plus the education/career options are pretty cool.

I guess Tama Suku. It's fun, and actually changes plot, unlike other tamas which are all the same concept: Feed and play and attend to.

V4 Is the best too, I think of it as the "Main" tama, the real tama.

The EnTama.

It was the first Japanese Tam I got.

I loved it, and it was very fun and entertaining.

Doesn't get any better than that.

There's more than those. You should have put "Other" as a choice....

My favorite is the V2. It's simple and it ALSO has the shop feature! Plus extremely cute characters and didn't carry on to V3 =(

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