What was the last dream you had?


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^ Yayy! I was in two of your dreams? Haha! That's so cool. :) *Hugs*

My last one had to do with me being at Megan Fox's wedding. xDD

@Chelle. I am a cool kid in that dreamland of yours!

My last dream was someone was watching me while I slept then I woke up all creeped out.

It was where SS and random actors from Mortified went to my school for some reason and made our school uniform blue instead of our current one.

And we were making a human pyramid. Everyone was scared of falling.

And a few certain people were being veeery moody and non-talkative.

Edit; And I also dreamt that Starry got bad karma. :\ xD

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We phoned Esther up to ask whether she could come and live with us too, but she said no. Then Esther phoned my r/l friend Jen, and Tess, to ask whether they could tell me to get lost. I don't remember much of that part though.
It was weird, cool, and ANGRYING xD.
D<: :)

.. my last dream, that I remember, I was at war with Jordin Sparks. Everything was blue and transparent and steam kept poofing up. She kept singing "Battlefield" and somehow even while doing that she was very good and killed a lot of people. And I was interpretive dancing by her side while defending myself.

Then she kept exploding and then coming back together.. but that part was vague. 8D

I was at the park, and someone threw a purple slushie all over me and I went and attacked them with a baseball bat.

Then I went home to get changed, but my cousin had thrown all my clothes in the pool, so I drowned him.

Then my uncle took me skateboarding as a reward for murdering his son 0_o

I got accepted into some dance troupe halfway through the term and I had a lot of catching up to do, because I was replacing some girl. I was probably one of the youngest there, since all the other girls were around 14. One girl who had a lot more jelly bracelets than me was out the front in the corner dancing, and my friend Eilish was there too and she kept stuffing it up. Strangely, it was being choreographed by my irish dance teacher, but Holly and Casey weren't there....

I think I dreamt that because I had read a chapter of a book where the girl in it joined a troupe as a replacement too. xD

I met Miley Cyrus. She was at my school practising her movie role. And we talked and I told her how I hated her but we became friends and we both cried alot.

And then it was night time. I was in a dark parking lot and there was a prison next to it. There were monkeys in the prison and all they did was play basketball. All of a sudden, I went into the prison but the monkeys ignored me and kept playing basketball. I climbed over the barbed wire fence and ran into an alley.

Then it was daytime again. It was still the holidays, and we went back to school for a day. Luca, one of my best friends who just recently moved to Ireland was there... We were walking back form school as a group, which never happens, and I think my dad was following us.

Then we were in some plane thing, I think. There was a church and someone I knew was getting married but nearly nobody was there. Then there was this store on the airplane and there was a different store for eack class. We were in economy, I think, and Mum sent me to buy popcorn. I could hear her shouting 'Hurry up, the movie's starting', and my family friend Donna was there too... I couldn't choose which popcorn to buy: Normal, lite, 'environmentally friendly' or extra buttered. I grabbed a pack of lite and left the store, and then I woke up.

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I had like one of my first TT dreams. ((:)

K, well for some reason Ksenia and Rachel came to my YMCA summer camp. Actually Rachel didn't really do anything, she just picked her bunk bed and left. But Ksenia and I went to the cafeteria with my r/l friend Nikhita, and I was chewing on a cookie in the shape of a chicken leg and I stuffed it up my shirt for some reason.

Then Ksenia bought a piece of pineapple and the cashier guy was like "That'll be $750.... Kidding, it's FREE"

.. and that's all I remember.

This was two nights ago (I only got 2 hours of sleep last night x.x)

Well basically I was at a Theme Park and thinking the worst would happen. Like a roller coaster would crash into another, breaking my ribs, or I would fly out or something.

Sounds like Final Destination 3 O:

My last dream was good/bad..

I was in this big arena with a swimming pool, and I saw my friend Tyler swimming.

He came up to me, and we started talking about stuff that I don't clearly remember.

After awhile, we both swam over to the opposite side of the pool, and when we did, everyone disappeared.

"Let's go on my laptop." he said, pulling out a laptop that looks exactly like mine. So we went on it, and just talked.

A little while later, his friend Angus (who also happens to be mine too, in real life) came up beside us and sat down.

Immediately, he began flirting with me. He put his arm around me and began whispering stuff in my ear.

The lights turned off, and we began kissing. I have a boyfriend in real life, and the thought of him haunted me in my dream.

"I'm cheating on him!" I remember thinking in my dream-mind, but I kept on kissing Angus. My lips were feeling dry, so I put on some chapstick mid-kissing.

As I tried to slide my tongue into his mouth (I know, gross... xD ), he wouldnt let me, and all of a sudden we stopped kissing.

Then the lights brightened a little, and I saw JUSTIN BIEBER sitting in front of me instead. He smiled at me, and began kissing me.

I was like, so happy because I am in LOVE with Justin Bieber.

Then, it switched scenes to me standing beside my boyfriend. He looked pi**ed, and a news crew was rushing into the building where Justin was.

A policeman took him outside and put him in handcuffs, for "allowing me to cheat" or something stupid like that.

Justin Bieber then yelled at my boyfriend, "You don't deserve her! She'll never be happy with you! She will always have me when you break her heart!"

and then was taken away.

xD </3

My last dream? ... -goes into hard thinking mode-

OHYES. Might I mind you: My world revolves around the computer and music. Don't yell at me for being obsessive. >:

I was back at my old school again, I had apparently re-joined and stuff, but all my friends were gone.

The new students were my friends from here, and people I don't even know. Probably from here, as well.

Also, my teacher ended up to be Patrick Stump, my best friend was a younger version Frankie Iero, and the principle was Pete Wentz...



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