What was the last stupid thing you did?


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I stubbed my toe really hard and I think it might be broken.

But I'm not going to the hospital cause I'm going to some Cowapalooza thing today with my friends. XDDD

When I was getting out of the car I noticed my leggings were not perfect. xD

So I bent down to fix them up but as I did, my Wayfarers fell off my face.

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Danced around in the middle of the mall and ran into my crush

ooc:he ended up dancin with me XD

I was leaving Nicole's house a few hours ago, and Trevor was sitting in the living room and barely looked at me until I smacked into the door before realizing, "Oh, it's locked.." So I unlocked it. Then her screen door thingy wouldn't open for me and I felt extremely stupid. He stared, I'm sure. xD

Touched the ball in Netball, which made it go out of court, which made it be in possession (sp?) of the other team. And that resulted in them getting ONE. MORE. GOAL. But we won so that made up for that silly mistake I managed to do. :)

And probably other Netball related mistakes.

How did you manage to do that? o_o
Well, it's a long story.

I was putting butcher paper on the call boards, because that's part of my job as the historian of our theatre club.

And, to make a long story short, a staple got stuck, I attempted picking it out, it flew out, embedded itself in my finger, and everyone has proof that I'm a retard. :)

It's a much better story if I tell it with my commentary.

I ate off my nail polish again. now I have to repaint it before school x.x

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