What was the last word you said?


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"DAAADDDD! Don't you DARE read that!!"

Dad started to read the story I'm writing.... ._. If he knew the stuff that was in it, I'd be dead.....

Sorry for the double post, I wanted this topic back on page one. =D

"Mommy, my left eye is bluer than my right eye. *Laughs pathetically*"

You want to WiFi. xD Sorry, I'm headed out. x__x Hopefully tomorrow! 8DD

"Are we leaving now? ...5 minutes? Okay."

^ See, Kay? Proof. xD


yes Krystal, I see the proof. xD

EDIT: now it's

"I'm eating an apple... I talk as I speak" *pause for a burp* "..... niiicceeee... GOSH DANGIT"

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"You better reply or I'll stalk you and slap you stupid until you answer me"

My friend isnt replying on msn. Don't ask...

"CALVIN SHUT UP!!!!!..... I wonder what this'll taste like......"

My dog's whining, then I mixed grapfruit pop with apple cinnamon spice pop... xD

"Maybe you don't always want Nationwide on your side, you know?"


Dang, I've started like 3 new pages today. xDDDD

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