What was the last word you said?


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^ <3

"*Laughs* Zelda reference."

I asked my brother where I should start in Photoshop. He said just to mess around like in the beggining of a Zelda game. I love him. xDDDD

Duck.I was singing The llama song![heres allama theres allama and another little larma fuzzy llama funny llama llama llama duck!]

"Phhh....." I was making a very, very weird noise coming from my mouth.

A few minutes ago I said "If this ps2 quits working one more time, I will kick it in the ps2 version of a Guy's Hurtful place!"


Yes. I verbally abuse and threaten my ps2. Thats okay. I have my lovely Wii <3

"I'm holding it over the bath incase it flies out, k?"

Opening some bubble-bath thing for SG.

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