What was the worst thing you did?


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I guess having dumb topics closed, on my old account, posting before on What Happened To My Tamagotchi, when I changed, if you visited my profile, you would think I was a tama-addic!

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I was so annoying 3 years ago.

One time I even thought I could close topics so when I did something at the end I put, "CLOSED" xDDDD.

On illiey12 I used to be a big n00b when I first joined. And I'd only ever post on Fun Stuff. And I'd use bad grammar and stuff. I also did one bad thing, but I wont mention it.

I was so annoying 3 years ago_One time I even thought I could close topics so when I did something at the end I put, "CLOSED" xDDDD.
xD I just saw one of your old posts. I laughed.

Yeah... I have done 1 thing on TKK that I am not proud of and will not say.

LOL I suddenly remembered...

The day I joined, I was browsing through Non-Tamatalk, and I found a mature topic (puberty etc...). I was SHOCKED so much I told my parents and I even PMed Admin about it too!! Haha I was so immature!



Swearing out Mothra wasn't my best decision.
On RT, I was such a jerk [i used to send her swear messages. D: ] to TamaMum. I regret it.


I thought I could do that too! xDD On somebody else's topic, I typed "*Closed*". xD I was so stupid.

Lady Shay:

I remember that. ._.

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