What was your first Tama?


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my 1st tama was a beautiful girl that was name Lou cuz i messed up and clicked b 2 many times. Lou eveoled into a Mizutamachi. She lived for a while.............then she evolved into a Piroiroritchi i didnt like her looks...........and 1 day my mom wouldnt let me bring her to school. it was only a few days old in human time when i got hame it was dead. i didnt kno it was dead till i called my friend and she said so. I hated the way Lou looked and i stopped payuing attation to her thinking she would eveovle and i wouldnt have to think of my tamagotchi as ugly.

It's name was Jack. It was a Babytchi, then Marutchi, then Itchgotchi, then Mametchi.

I bought my first tama the day before Halloween 2004, I can still remember that!

~♥Ya gurl reppin' '012♥,


I bought my V1 in June 2005.... remember I was in Grade 3 then and I'd never taken care of a Tamagotchi before....


I had to go to the clinic one morning.

We (mom, me, and little sister) got that over with and then we went to Wal-Mart.

While my mom was walking around, I asked, "Am I allowed to go to the toy aisle to see if they have Tamagotchis?"

She decided we would all go. So we looked, and I found them! Beautiful, new, version 1s. My mom asked, "Which one do you think your other sister will like?"

I picked out a purple one for her, and, as you have known for a long time, I got a pink one. Then I went back to school after lunch.

When school got out we went home and started them up. We got beautiful boys. My sister named hers Hamie. Mine was Tamai.

They turned into Marutchis an hour later.

The next morning I got out of bed early since when I woke up I remembered, "Oh no, I left my Tamagotchi downstairs!"

When I got downstairs he was a Hinotamatchi, sleeping. And, I freaked out because I thought he had a spiky-headed disease!

I showed my mom and sister. "Look!" I said. "He has.... some kind of disease!"

He woke up around ten that morning, and I tried to give him medicine, which he refused to take. So I took it that he was a teenager already.

He died that one day after school. He was playing with his ball, and all of a sudden, he's beeping wildly! I was freaking out. He was on his beak. I was freaking out and crying and saying, "What's happening?"

I ran upstairs and told my mom, who was in her room.

"Mommy! Look! Is it breaking?!" I asked.

She took it from me and then we started going downstairs. On the way down *sniff* he left me! In other words, he died. I was crying so hard my mom started another one for me and I got a girl. I'd wanted to name her Hanna but I messed up and named her Hamai instead.

This time, it was 4 days before my birthday! She was a Marutchi, then a Hinotamatchi, and then, here's the best part!

I had invited a few of my friends to go to MacDonalds. My mom was driving one car, my dad the other. About 2 friends in each car. So, we had a great time, during which I paused Hamai and left her in the car so she wouldn't get stolen.

When we got back, I quickly unpaused her and she turned into a Hanatchi! I was so happy, I showed all my friends, and we celebrated over Hamai!

That was the happiest day of my life. I'll never forget it - ever!

mine is a v3 ant it was a teletchi as a baby then a Tamatchi as a toddler then a Patapatachi as a teen now it is a Hanatchi with a beautiful baby girl by her side!

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That is very well explained Mimitchi&Hanatchilover. :D It sounded fun, hehe, and sorry to hear about your first Hinotamatchi.

I remember, two years ago, before Xmas in my school everyone was bringing these egg-shaped Tamagotchis, and were connecting. I remember back then thinking they were a bit silly, but my friend said she really wanted one, and she bought one, and she let me play with it. I decided it was a lot more fun than I thought, and convinced my mother to buy one, so I got a translucent pink ConneCTion like my friend, and I bought a yellow and blue lanyard for it. :blink: (I bought mine in early January)

When I got home, I waited for my Dad to go on the computer, and I pulled out the tab. An egg appeared.

"Yay, I'm going to be the mum of a little pet" I thought.

I very carefully put the time in, and made sure it was the same way as the TV time. I had read the instructions very carefully, and I put my Birthday in correctly. I then stared at the egg for ages, and it began wobbling, and it hatched! I remember being so happy then. ;)

It was a little Shirobebetchi, and I called it PING. I cared for it, and then before going to bed it began flashing (evolving) although I thought it flashed when going to bed.

The following morning, I took it to school with me, and put the sound off, and thought my baby was a bit bigger than it used to be (Marutchi), and then I realised it had evolved. My friend's Tamagotchi meanwhile had become a Hinotamatchi, and I thought it was really cute - and wanted one. (I really liked ducks then, and I still quite do so).

Then, at home my Marutchi flashed again, and it became an Ichigotchi. I wasn't sure what it was, and phoned my friend, and she told me it was really a strawberry (she's seen the stickers)! I had been hoping that my Tamagotchi would not become Masktchi (the fly) or Gozarutchi (Mr. Nathan/Fly nº 2/The Robot), but it became Kuchipatchi, and I was overjoyed. I loved my Kuchipatchi. My friend's Tamagotchi became a Kuchipatchi too. :p

And that concludes my first Tamagotchi generation :D

Cool! This is so interesting seeing what everybodys characters turned into! My friend tama girl :blink: 's first tama was a masktchi I think. I don't really remember way back then! I wanted one because she had one, so I asked for one for my birthday, and I got one before then! I was so happy. I will never forget looking at it evolve and wondering what the heck it is doing, that was a day to remember.

my 1st ever adult tama was a boy hanetchi named adam. i rember his growth very well


My first adult tama was a Masktchi ( :furawatchi: ) It was a V1 I had in 2nd grade.

My first Tama was one of the originals from 1997 ;) I think it was one of the duck things (that look like tarakotchis) lol

My first connexion was an ichigotchi (it died thanks to my dad!!) His name was emma (I didnt know the difference between boy or girl) ^_^

My first tama was one from 1996, so I don't know/can't remember what my first adult was. My first adult in the Connection series was a Furawatchi though.

I'm not sure but i know that my tama is now:






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