What will the next Tama be like?


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Tamaguy 20

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2006
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I just wanted to see what you think the next version of Tamagotchi will be like. Input any ideas you have.

I hope it will be still in colour and maybe with job/school functions for the tama etc... :wacko:

I love it in colour!!~~

I hope it keeps all the functions of the Music Star, but you can actually walk around and go to places, and it would be neat if it were in color. I would like it if it had every Tama character ever used in a previous version

I hope it's more of an interactive game, with touch screen and you can actually walk around tamatown. Of course, in color too! =] And I hope when you connect with other tamas you can explore tamatown together, or visit each other's house, etc...

hmm idk a touch screen tamagotchi tat lets u make ur own tama not too big not too small but give u a box to put the pixels in and create ur own and name it? :mametchi: tat would be pretty awsome

o.o Create your own tama? That sounds so...complicated for a person like me, who can't even draw properly. XD

Well if we are talking about English Language Tamagotchis, I'm hoping it will be like the TMGC+C. I think it would be nice to see the screens in English. It wouldn't hurt to know what they talk about in the park, either.

Townitchi, have 50 familitchis at once! some months later: USATownitchi for japan and Townitchi Oriental for USA and others.


i really hope they remain black and white but with backlight! its a pain to play in dark places!

A -normal- tamagotchi would be good, you know, keep the shop, but take out these -unneeded- things like families, music concerts and jobs can stay as minigames though, just good 'ol growing, with many different outcomes! also, more minigames in a single thing, not different minigames on different versions... and keeping the small keychain design!

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