What will you be for halloween


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me and alex (were idendical twins) are gonna match this year. (HA! like we dont every year!) im gonna be a black cat and shes gonna be a grey cat

I wasn't planning on trick-or-treating, but since I'm in high school and there are tons of Halloween parties and dances, I'll probably have to think of a costume!

I was thinking about a marionette/dead doll, zombie bride, or a Shakespearean poet.

I went to walmart and found the BEST haloween costume ever ITS A INFLATEABLE COW!you get in a cow outfit and it puffs up ^.^ what will you be?
OMG thats awesome!

I might be:

A devil

The Grim Reaper's Assistant... or maybe a girl grim reaper

dark angel


dead doll

nothing.halloween is a waste of time and belief. i choose not to get involed in anything as stupid as halloween and we tell trick or treaters to get stuffed cos no one celebrates halloween for tradition. All they care about is the candy. i once emptyed out candy bar wrappers and filled them will garden stones and i'm proud of it.

nothing.halloween is a waste of time and belief. i choose not to get involed in anything as stupid as halloween and we tell trick or treaters to get stuffed cos no one celebrates halloween for tradition. All they care about is the candy. i once emptyed out candy bar wrappers and filled them will garden stones and i'm proud of it.
well then youre the one with the promblem not everyone else get over it and stop acting like as litttle baby thats had their rattle taken from them.

I'm stating an opinion not whining about my issues. If I think halloween is just an excuse to take candy from strangers its my opinion. Who knows what people do to the candy before you get it? My friend got food poisining cos some one had left the candy on the same plate that had raw chicken on it.

A dark, vampire angel with:

Black dress

Vampire teeth

White powder on my face

Red/black halo

Bat wings (shredded)

Black flats (or boots)

Blood gel all over me

And I think that would be AWESOME!!!!! xD


I'm being a baby devil...

Dotted freckles on my cheeks


Devil ears

Droopy pajamas


Devil pitch fork

Maybe some devilish makeup

My boyfriend and I are are going out to a Halloween party at my dance studio. It is mainly for adults, and we get together and dress up and dance. :angry:

He is from Bombay, India(real life) and I'm white from the U.S.(real life).

*He is dressing as a high seas Pirate in a Jack Sparrow-ish costume...who "pirates" dvds. You know, like illegal copying or bootlegging or whatev. It's hysterical because he is a Computer Engineer in his real life career. :(

*I am going as an Indian Bollywood star who he saw in his "pirated" dvd movies and fell in love with. So, he stole me away to his pirate ship in all my beautiful clothes and jewelry. And, I don't seem to mind. :D

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