What Would It Be Like? ~


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
I love to imagine how different my life would be if my parents would have made different decisions in my past.

Like, when I was three, we had to opportunity to move to China for six years, because of my dad's job.

My parents considered and then decided to turn down the offer, but I love to imagine how different my current situation(s) and even my personality would be if I would have spent some crucial developmental years (ages 3-9) living in China.

I think it would be so cool to be able to tell people that I lived in China for six years. I think it would be cool to be able to speak fluent Mandarin and know first hand all about Chinese culture.

If I lived in China for six years, how different would I be? I'd probably have different political views, and maybe even different religious views too. I could even have a Chinese accent, just from living there. (I'm completely white - pale skin, blonde hair. xD)

My parents could be split up if we lived in China for that period of time. My parents are obviously together, but what would my mom do in China? She's a lawyer and can't speak Chinese, so she'd probably be a stay-at-home-mom, which could have made her unhappy with my dad.

I think it would be cool for China to have so close to my heart and have something interesting to say about myself. My life is pretty dull all in all.

The summer of 2005 (before I entered the sixth grade, I believe), my dad lost his job (This was a different company than the one he was working for when we considered moving to China). Then, he got offered his job back, only as a higher rank with a higher pay - in Texas.

We considered moving to Texas a lot more than we considered moving to China. We were either going to be in Houston or San Antonio, but my dad said he was more lenient to San Antonio.

How different would I be if I lived in San Antonio? What if my parents HAD decided to move? I would probably be able to speak some Spanish. I would be closer to Feebee and Diva. (xD) I would get to enjoy warm weather, all the time. I'd have a completely different group of friends.

I just love to sit and think about these things. I told my mom that I'm okay with moving, and she's all for it. My dad doesn't want to move though. We're on his parent's land that was given to us, and we built a beautiful house. So I can see where he's coming from.

We'd be away from my grandparents, which would be tough, because we're really close.

And then there's the fact that I'd switch high schools. I'm currently learning Japanese as my language elective, but if I switched schools, there's a good chance that Japanese isn't offered there. Which would really mess me up.

Last night I was thinking about what it would be like to live in England. I just think that'd be the coolest thing in the world. It would be the ultimate fresh start.

I mostly think about moving, but sometimes, on a smaller scale, I think about other decisions my parents have made for me. Like, my mom started me in dance when I was two. What if she didn't and I played soccer instead? Would I have a completely different group of friends? Would I have more or less self-confidence / self-worth? etc

So, does anyone else wonder like this?

Discuss. :)

I do that all too often.

My parents migrated to Adelaide, Australia in 1994 because of my Dad's work. But they put in applications to move to many different places as well, for example, Canada, America, and even South Africa. I think I'd be incredibly different if I lived (and would have been born) in any of those places. I definitely wouldn't know the same people, I'd have an entirely different accent, and we'd live to entirely different rules. Though it's quite fun to think about what I would have been like --- I bet my personality would have also been incredibly different and so would my appearance. I could go on and on about how different everything would be.

Also, when I was about three years old, my parents got divorced. If we would still be living as a big, happy family now, everything would be much too different. We would have probably been on a lot more holidays as our family budget would have been much higher, and I wouldn't be going to the same school as I am right now cause we wouldn't have moved from our old house -- which means completely different friends and people around me.

If the teachers in my school wouldn't have chosen me to be in the Gym Class (even though I don't do Gym), my life would also be completely different. I wouldn't have met Emily, who's now one of my best friends. I wouldn't have learnt what most Year 8's and Year 9's are learning. I wouldn't have gotten to know all these amazing people. My life would be completely unlike what it is now.

Thanks a lot Katie, now I won't stop thinking about all this. xD

If my mum and dad didn't move a while ago, I wouldn't know all my friends. Which is good and bad. I'd have a better rep at school, live in a bigger house, and be around people who like me for me.

If my mum didn't fail grade five, I'd be a completely different person. She wouldn't know my dad, and I probably wouldn't be on this site, because I only know about tamagotchi's because my dad bought me one when I was little. So If mum didn't fail grade five, I would be somewhere far away from here, I wouldn't know my TT friends, I wouldn't know any of my friends, and I wouldn't have a scottish accent. So my whole life would change dramatically just if my mum didn't fail grade five.

- Before I was born, my parents wanted to go to a different country. The choices were Australia, Canada and New Zealand. That's something that could completely changed my life. Also, if I was born any later, I'd have to stay in Taiwan, cause it wouldve been too late to get all the paperwork and stuff.

- Something less life-changing is going into french immersion or not. Actually, it is quite life-changing, since I'd be in a completely different school.

I was adopted. I wonder what it would be like without these parents.

I wouldn't be with my sister. I wouldn't know who she was. And I would never probably be here. She was the one who wanted to join and I just followed. Why? We got Tamagotchis one day and then we searched for Tamagotchi cheats. I kept on passing through this site but never joined. If she never told us to join I would never be on any forum. Sometimes I wonder if that would be good or bad. Maybe it would be good because I wouldn't be on the computer too much. Maybe it would be bad but still, no one would know I existed.

My friends wouldn't know me. Heck, I could be in China right now speaking Chinese. I could be in England. I could be anywhere. I could be living in a huge mansion, or I could be living in a small farmhouse. I'm actually very happy about where I am right now, and I realized if everything got taken away, I would be devastated. Even though I don't act like I love and appreciate everything a lot, I still do. I would have other friends. I could have no friends. But I'm happy about where I am right now, and no one's going to change that.

I actually haven't thought about this much, but sometimes I do wonder what it would be like if my parents had decided to stay in Brooklyn - I'd be going to a junior high school across the city, and I'd have to make a fresh start, because in New York City your elementary friends don't always end up going to the same junior high/high schools. I wouldn't know any of the friends I know now, and I probably wouldn't have ever gone to a sleepover, as weird as it sounds.

I wonder all the time if I'd be even smarter if I'd gone to Chissy instead of letting my brain rot at that crap school I stayed at.

I do it a lot but never note them down mentally.

What if my parents had remained in India after marriage and not gone to Dubai?

-I could be speaking fluent Hindi. I would be closer to my grandparents and oldest cousins. Schooling would be different. I'd be used to poverty. I'd be less independant. I'd wouldn't have the same interests. I'd be leaving my laundry over the floor, used to being waited on. And I wouldn't mind it. I hate having people wash my dishes and serve me food. D:

But I would be a completely different person.

What if my parents hadn't moved to California when I was seven?

-I'd be speaking fluent French, having taken it for 10 years at this point. I would have definitely picked up on some Arabic. I'd have the same friends from second grade. I'd still be eating those French fries our school sold. Different person. Different personality. I probably wouldn't be the Diva you all know.

What if we hadn't moved to Texas?

-Hell. I don't know. I wouldn't be as actively involved in theatre. And no way in hell would I be playing piano. As for friends--I would stillbe helishly close to my Cali friends. And I wouldn't be here if we hadn't moved. The reason I came back, to TT, was the move.

I wouldn't be me.

I'd be happier--but not Diva. Someone else.

I wouldn't have Dasher, or this lovely house we just bought, or my friends, or you. I wouldn't be BBound historian ohnine to ohten.

I'd be--nothing. I wouldn't be in ITS.

I'd be--nothing.

That last move--to Texas. Was the most life changing thing. Ever

though I'm sure that everything else led up to it. Chain reaction. Everything happens for a reason. There's a reason I'm the way I am. I guess my parents really are to blame. :)

I almost moved to Norway in first grade. Talk about weird. I've got no idea how odd it'd be.

And, Katie, San Antonio is a lovely place. You wouldn't be able to speak that much spanish, but some, definitely. xD I know a lot of random words and phrases from living here for thirteen years. I have trouble pronouncing them, however.

I think about that type of thing a lot, especially the Norway thing. I always wonder who I'd be if I hadn't found TT. I'd be a lot more popular at my school, if I didn't ignore everyone's calls and come straight home everyday to talk to you guys xD

I wonder what my life would be like if I didn't find choir and theatre. They control my friend group and activities after school, so it would be quite a change. I'd probably be in art and Spanish.

Eh, that's it for now, I'll probably type more later.

If my parent's hadn't split up, I wouldn't have my half-sister, Katie. I wouldn't know Kelly, my step-mum. I might have different siblings...I would be in a different house, I'd have diffentent things...I'd be a completly different person. I'd be in a different shcool, and not have my friends. I probably wouldn't be playing guitar and piano...I learnt how to play both at school.

Now, what if my mum hadn't split up with her boyfriend she had before my dad? I wouldn't be here....scary thought D:

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I sometimes think what life would have been like if we had stayed in Michigan, instead of moving to Arizona. I could have kept my childhood friends, my house would have been paid off ( we had a big two story house with a full basement that I would have inherited), and not have had to experience the horrible hot summers in the Phoenix area, which is quickly turning into little Mexico. I hate it in Phoenix, so we moved up into the mountains and out to the country. Much nicer, and I don't have to speak Spanish. But the way the job market is in Michigan right now, I'm kinda glad we left.

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