What would YOU do for a tama?


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Active member
Oct 19, 2005
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Like the old Klondike bar commercials. You ask a question:

Would you lick a rotten peach?

...and the next person would respond yes or no. Then you ask a question of your own!

So, here's my question...

Would you squeeze someone's hairy mole for a tama?


Would you jump off the Empire State building for a tama?

-Temari Nara

Well , i'd die , but then i'd be in heaven , which is better , but god said its a sin to take your own life , so i'd be in hell.. um ,

NO , i wouldn't

would you say "i hate you" to your teacher for a tama?

Only if it's to my language arts teacher :)

I really do hate her...

Would you kiss a slug for a tama?

Hmmm. no.

Would you eat yellow snow for a tama?

If it was yellow because of food coloring yes but if it was actual yellow snow NO WAY!!!!

WY eat a worm for a tama?

YES!!! I'd sing 'Bleeding Love', by Leona Lewis.

Would you dance the chicken for a tama?


would you run naked down a street were there are heaps of paparazzi your freinds and your worst enemy for ten ove every tama ^_^ :( :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :hitodetchi: :pochitchi: :mametchi: :nazotchi: :mimitchi: :kusatchi: :nyatchi: :kusatchi:

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