What would you do if....


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Grow red and look awayyyy .////.

What would you do if you were married, and your spouse suddenly became very sick and had to go to the hospital?

Be as strong as I could, and hold on to what I have left. And hope.

What would you do if someone very close to you died?


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It.. depends what they are. A human, I would feel like something was missing. A pet... I don't know. Sad but nothing wrong with me. I've gone through the pet one.

What would you do if you suddenly became Alice and went through a world of Wonderland?

First I'd flip out for a while. Then I'd start to explore and whatnot. c:

What would you do if your favorite fictional character existed?


Do things I can't say, for this is a kids site. c8

What would you do if your best friend had to live with you?

Then it would be a long year/month/day/hour.

What would you do if having an opinion was not popular and kind of stupid?

EDIT: Double post. Read post below.

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I'd wait until a school of fish pushed the ship up.

What would you do if your 'best friend' started lying to you, stealing from you, trying to be better than you, copying you, stabbing you in the back (figuratively) and trying to manipulate you to do what they wanted?

I would make a new 'best friend'.

What would you do if it turns out your favorite food was poisonous?

i would take back what i said about the pizza :)

what would you do if a dog pooped on your gameboy

I would give the dog a good smack.

What would you do if someone stole your piggy bank?

Cry, kiss this attractive, gentlemen in my case, and be the happiest person alive. 8D

What would you do if someone who spoke a different language learned your language just for you? :3

Ohmai. I'd try to return the favor ( if it's an easy language to learn ) and let him know that I love him very, very much, and that he's sweet. ;w;

WWYD if you could change one thing about the world?

I would shout "YUS! I WIN!!!" ...Then a giant sign saying "Game Over" would fall on my head and I would die.

WWYD if... a kid you don't know ran up to you and kissed you (on the lips)?

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