What would you do if....


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Stand there dumbfounded, and probably yell, "HOLLA." sarcastically afterwards.

WWYD if you had your favorite superpower? :D

Go to that someone else at night and stab them. Nah, just kidding. I'd probably just forget about it and try to meet someone else.

WWYD if all your electronic devices spontaneously combusted?

Gee, i don't know. probably pray to got that these creatures weren't harmful because i have no idea what they are or what they do. :)

but i know what they look like.

Wwyd if all other living things on the planet died?

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I'd cuss the place out under my breath.

Wwyd if you were under-aged and someone tried to force you to do alcohol?

Being honest here? Okay. I'd go, "OHO, nice try, my friend, but I'm not as simple minded as that. I'm going to go now, so don't stop me, punk." And then I'd walk away.

WWYD if you were walking somewhere, minding your own business, and you witnessed a murder before your very eyes?


i would do same.

I'd probably be to shocked to call the cops, but wait and see what they did.

Wwyd if someone purposely tripped you?>:U

^ -highfive-

I wouuuuuld.. get up, make some sort of sarcastic comment, and then probably laugh, depending on who tripped me. xD

WWYD if you were magically transported into your favorite story? (Story of anything - book, video game, movie, etc.)

Freak out for a moment, then get all excited and then go I'd explore and stuff. 8D

WWYD if someone smack you across the face?

I would give him a dollar because he needs it.

WWYD if someone tried to steal all your money?

I would either be flattered or extremely disturbed. Depending on certain things. xD

WWYD if you found out that the guy you like (who you thought would never have mutual feelings for you) feels the same way about you?

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