What would you do with a million dollars?


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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2012
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how I wound up here is anyone's guess
So what would you do with a million dollars?

I would spend some of it on a lava lamp, animal hats, a couple of bean bag chairs, a 3DS and a bunch of other video games and stuff, A LOT of books, and a vacation to Japan where I will buy a lot of Tamagotchi, Pokemon and Mameshiba products. I don't know how much all of it would cost exactly but I think it's under $50,000 dollars. Then I'll donate the rest (which is like more than 95% of it) to animal shelters and orphanages and other charities and stuff. I'm serious.

If you wanna know why it's because of this bible verse.

"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

- Matthew 19:24

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Hmmm. Tough one. Ok. First of all I would donate $400,000 dollars to the ASPCA. (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Then, I would spend $400,000 on a super nice house. Then I would save $150,000, and use the left over money to buy video games and a nice new MacBook Air with a Retina display (Yay!) and I would buy the original Pokemon Red from Japan for my friend Lily. And take a vacation to Japan like you, because I have always wanted to go there. :D

Okay, here goes:

1. Buy random Hetalia stuffs

2. Buy some Tamas, including English iD L

3. Buy a passport

4. Pay for a student exchange to Poland omg I just really wanna go there ok

5. uh... that's it really.

Okay.500,000 to the Society Of Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals.

then i will use the rest to kidnap savy,teri,and zach and keep them as pets. > :D

I'm not sure about the rest.

I'd go and give half to charity (ex. SPCA, World Vision, local women's/children's homes, local charities in general, homeless shelters, charities nobody pays attention to, etc.), and then take two thirds of the other half and save it. With the money left over, I'd spend most of it on eBay (for Tamagotchis, like a boss) and invest in successful businesses (to make more money, haha). If there's any left after that, it goes to paying off family debts, however big or small.

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i would give some money to my family members and then spend my part of the money on anime stuff manga books games and tamagotchi oh and some hair products like a curling iron or so. :)

Put some away for a house when I move out, pay off my mother's house pay, buy my father a decent place, put some away for college for my little brother.

Buy a few things for myself, save some for some vacations around the world, and then donate the rest. Simple as that.

I would give it to my parents to get their dream house and use it for university fees

So what would you do with a million dollars?

I would spend some of it on a lava lamp, animal hats, a couple of bean bag chairs, a 3DS and a bunch of other video games and stuff, A LOT of books, and a vacation to Japan where I will buy a lot of Tamagotchi, Pokemon and Mameshiba products. I don't know how much all of it would cost exactly but I think it's under $50,000 dollars. Then I'll donate the rest (which is like more than 95% of it) to animal shelters and orphanages and other charities and stuff. I'm serious.

If you wanna know why it's because of this bible verse.

"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

- Matthew 19:24
Oh yeah, I forgot to add to mine: and use a bit of it to buy gifts for my family and friends, buy a pet lionhead rabbit and sugar glider and save some for the future. (LOL I quoted myself)
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I waaaannntttt

A rare finch aviary

A new house

50 Tamagotchis (my choice)


A reaaaallllyyyy nice solid gold pocket knife....because I can

An opal-studded 24k gold watch

A custom rare stone-studded koi fish watch I designed (I loooooove my design soooooooo much)

A giant cage for my starlings (probably an aviary)

A camel

An okapi

A moose

20 Pygmy goats

A German shepherd pup

A Weimeraner (2+ years old)

And various white wicker furniture.

First I would dotate half to charities(animal shelters,help people in poor countries etc. etc.) then I'd spend ALOT on getting tamagotchis off of amazon and ebay,I'd get like 9 more bunnies (I already have one) save like 200,000 and use the rest to pursue my dream of being a fashion designer(even though I'm only 10) and thats about it.

All the Tamagotchis that will exist and will ever exist

Hetalia stuff

A camel

A chicken

A cow

A nice cute white fluffy kitty :3

Trip to Saudi Arabia for my family and I

Then I would donate a third of the money and give half to my cousins and their families and I would save the rest

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I'd donate it all to the Westboro Baptist Church.

Oh yeah, I forgot to add to mine: and use a bit of it to buy gifts for my family and friends, buy a pet lionhead rabbit and sugar glider and save some for the future. (LOL I quoted myself)
LOL, I want to add more stuff to my list again. I want a pet African pygmy hedgehog, an aquarium full of clownfish and seahorses, and a separate one full of doctor fish. xD
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Turn my (somewhat) small scale reptile and bird rescue facility and sanctuary into the best one around! I'd also get myself the Missouri Foxtrotter horse that I so badly want to have again. I'd treat my boyfriend to something(s) special, and help out my family with the things that they need, as well as get each of them some things that they just want but can't afford. I have a feeling I'd be like one of the "secret santas" who randomly hand out money to those who seem to genuinely need it.

Mostly, though, it would go toward securing a good future for my exotics rescue and education work. That's really what I want to do most in this world.

i'd probably start by donating a lot to cancer research and then spending the rest on little things like cosplay supplies and t-shirts and all

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