What's a random fact about you?


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^ I do too. And my family is Slovak and makes them ALOT and I can't stand them ....

Iam in love with cupcakes and oreos

People have turned against me.

For reasons I don't know.

I didn't do anything to deserve it.

Or at least, I think so.

Crap |:

I just glared at my brother.

I told him that I heard peeper frogs outside. He said, "Yeah! That kinda happens in the spring!11!!1"

I hate him.

I just heard the most terrifying noise outside my window. O ______O Dangit, I have to live next to a forest. x_x

I'm sleepy.

I'm freezing!

Edgar Allan Poe interests me...

I felt close to collapsing today.

My best friends are falling out.

Last lesson was great.

Bethany told my address to James. He now has it written on his arm. -fail-

^You seem happy about that?

The fact is that I'm surprised that Serj Tankian was actually in System of A down. O___________O

I just broke my wrist.

I think it's broken.

Either broken or horribly fractured.

I'm about to go get my x-rays back.

Woopdedoo -________-

1.I get so randomly hyper for absolutely no reason. And when I do, I have to let it all out. Whooping, dancing, singing....with everybody staring. If I don't let it out, I don't feel right. Thats what makes me a weirdo.

2.Apart from that, I'm also really sensitive. If I get upset, I often just find myself crying. And no, I'm not a good emotion hider. Just the simplest thing can set me off.

3.When I get angry, I just suddenly burst into tears. Why I do, I have no idea.

4.I like to joke around when I feel hyper only, but I took my joke too far once, and stopped everyone going near me. Dear me.....

5.My strange habits include picking my nails, drawing lines over my hands, chewing anything near me and randomly closing my eyes......

Ok, I'm a bit of a weirdo.

^ fdlfkdfo. Who the flip is THAT?


N-E-Way ..

I'm very close to becoming a very, very happy lady.

I now refer to myself as a lady.

I got called `madam` yesterday by a fairly old person. o.o

Social Interview on Facebook just asked me the best question:

Computer ; 'Has Chris _______ ever tried firting with you?'

Me ; 'I hate this question so much.'

I just got to know a Year 10 in my school really well :)

I'ma go have a shower now.

Yes, my wrist is in fact fractured. AND OH GOSH IT'S SWOLLEN LIKE MAD.

I talked to Maria on the phone last night for the first time in a few months I believe ♥

I'm listening to Back Of My Head - Short Stack!

My bus ticket didn't work today.

Lawra and I proved Matthew wrong today :) IT'S ICEBOX NOT ICEBOY.

Okay, I'm off for today, BYE TT.

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