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' date='+August 13, 2010 10:49 am'] James David Maslow replied to me on twitter, wishing me a good day. <3

I miss Krystal && Clara. DDD;

I got my hair cut shorttt.

I should memorize my music for next week.

Yesterday, I played football in a strapless dress && heels.

OMG I AM SO JEALOUS OF CLARAAAA !!I miss Krystal && Clara. DDD;

I got my hair cut shorttt.

I should memorize my music for next week.

Yesterday, I played football in a strapless dress && heels.
Yeah, wasn't that so nice of him? : D

And now, every time I'll look at him, I'll think of how he wished me a good day. :)

I'm in full Durarara!! mode !

But I finished watching it.

I finally know how to spell it without copying and pasting.

Bacon disgusts me now.

I'm home alone for a little while.

My dad finally brought fruit Mentos.

I think my mom's gonna get mad at me for not finished my dinner. ;w;

Bacon has always disgusted me. ;o;

I love Zebras' voice. <33

I spent an hour listening to Zebra. :D

I used an emoticon on every sentence in this post. 8DD

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I'm listening to some Chicago online radio because the morning DJ is Steve Downes aka Master Chief's voice.

I bounced around in my chair and said, "It's like.. MASTER CHIEF ON THE RADIO~!"

I'm up earlier than I'd like to be.

I have an eye doctor appointment in an hour.

I just giggled at Clara's post. x3

My eyes changed A LOT and I'm getting new prescription glasses next week.

I dyed my hair blue.

Since I'm blonde, it looks a bit green now.

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^ I know, right?

It always breaks down during the holidays. D:

So, the monitor's acting kind of shaky, but it doesn't look serious.

My dad didn't lose his job today, but he might tomorrow. ;__________;


I'm sad right now for Clara.

I would hug her if she were here right now.

I'm growing used to this old rock radio station.

I'm beginning to like it.

I want to email Steve Downes but I doubt he'll ever see my message.

I wish I knew Krystal in real life. ;________________;

The Celebrity Crushes topic reminded me of my crush on Aoi from Ayabi Beat Shuffle and that other guy who's really quiet and cuuute. ;w;

.. I don't think I've made any sense.

I wish I knew Clara in real life too. ;w;

I finally emailed Steve Downey.

I'm obsessing about this guy only because he plays an epic video game character.

I love Master Chief. xD

I just realized Downey makes me think of Robert Downey Jr. ... great, now I'm really obsessed. /killed

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