What's a random fact about you?


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-Easterberry's hair does now not look like mine, yet I know it still looks amazing.

-My team won sports day today 8D

-Im a pretty good long jumper...

-Im addicted to Twitter.

-I have a sticker on my hand right now.

-Im listening to Richman at this very moment.

I'm painting my room this weekend!

Pineapple and ham pizza is my favorite.

Before I dyed my hair, its color wasn't definable.

I lovelovelove going to concerts.

I have my cartilage pierced, but not my ear lobes.

I have 4 electric guitars and one acoustic guitar, but don't know how to play them.

I sometimes rent movies and forget to watch them.

I witnessed the kiling of Bob the raccoon today. ='[ *Points to siggy*

I get random laugh attacks.They usually last for at least 5 minutes.

I'm about to get one now. xD
Oh my gosh. Twin. My brother hates it when I get laugh attacks. xD And my face gets all red and I can't seem to get any oxygen.


I'm always really hot. Temperature wise, not sexy wise.

People always tell me, 'God, Sarah, you're burning up!'

Also, I tend to always watch my feet when I walk, and I walk really fast.

Don't know why.

My little brother [not related, ppl just say we look related, and we're the same height =D] threw his friend's easter egg at me =[

I get random requests to get followed on Twitter.

My friends says me and my brother are complete opposites.

My favourite sport is skating.
mee too! .. and soccer. *points to avvie*

I didn't know New Zealanders liked skating =O

... random fact: umm, I don't know what twitter is ;P

[SIZE=7pt]EDIT- didn't like the sound of my post..[/SIZE]

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^Well, get a twitter. 'Tis an amazing thing <3.

-I can sound demanding at times.

-I broke my bongo drum today D:

-I have 10 followers on twitter so far.

-Me and Jen want Maurice/Mr Gilroy/Gizza to get a twitter.

-My iTunes is on shuffle at this very moment.

-I'm just about to call someone on the phone.

-My holidays end up being very boring all the time.

-About an hour ago I washed my hair.

mee too! .. and soccer. *points to avvie*I didn't know New Zealanders liked skating =O

... random fact: umm, I don't know what twitter is ;P

[SIZE=7pt]EDIT- didn't like the sound of my post..[/SIZE]
Jenny is the only person asides from me who even knows how to skate.

-I have a Twitter -pokessiggy-

I'n trying to grow my hair. e.e

When I was 6, it was right at my waist :eek: (My mom never cut it)

Then at 7, I got my first haircut. :( (It was 2 inches past my shoulders)

But now my hair's below the bottom of my neck... :eek:

-I slept over at my mum's boyfriend's house last night (with my mum of course, lol).

-I'm on MSN at this very moment.

-Its only 9:20am right now.

-I'm home alone.

-I slept in a hole between the bed and a wall last night.

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