What's a random fact about you?


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I am hot right now in the temperature-wise way.

I am going to be on TV today with my classs. :)

Today I lost my 1cm-maths-cube which was my only form of entertainment.

I'm Facebook chatting Xanthia.

And I'm drinking Yakult.

I was on MSN at school today talking to Keeley xP

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I was talking to Weiwei on MSN today whilst she was at school. xD

I've got a complete outfit for my friend for halloween, since she had nothing.

My room is very messy, I need to tidy it. ):

I have lots of homework, which I reaallyy dun wanna do.

Today is my birthday.

My friends have already texted happy birthday to me.

Mostly everyone forgot.

I am 13.

I hate my life.

I creep people out.

People think i have gone to jail on friday.

Kevin is a meanie head.

I hate slow songs.

Everyone likes my ex-bf Kennith , after he broke up with me.

I think Chris like me.

Chris remebered my birthday. I love him.

I think Leona Lewis is just absolutely amazing <33

I'm starting to like Short Stack.

I just sneezed.

My brother woke me up today to tell me to clean up the cat's sick, because no one else could do it because it made them feel sick.

I just sent Keeley a PM telling of my great news =D

Me and my friends found out how to get MSN on the school computers hehe :)

I'm listening to my MP3 listening to the most retarded song xD

I'm still in my pj's and it's lunch time.

Its the least scariest hallooween EVER.

I am feeling lonely

I am not listening to music now, but I usally do.

My birthday is in July

I hate school.

I can't wait till I'm a teenager.

I cannot cycle on a bike

I feel abslolutly BORED TO DEATH

I love to dance to Fast hyper songs

I am single, and I'm not dating.

I don't crush on celebritys.

But depite that, I love reading magazines, and celebrity gossip.

Guess who ditched trick-or-treating because they didn't want to inhale the fumes of the colored hairspray? ^.^

Someone's here for Halloween right now and I am NOT going to greet them.

I'm eating an apple.

I'm brb because the person at the door is my cousin.

The person at the door was not my cousin, but my neighbor.

I feel like an idiot now. xD

My eye is like burning right now, cause I accidentally moved my contact, and it got lost in my eye for a few minutes. It's out, but my eye still really hurts.

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